Steering Committee
Prof. Anindita Datta
Department of Geography
Delhi School of Economics
University of Delhi
Phone +9810633776
Anindita Datta is a feminist geographer with interest and expertise in indigenous feminisms, everyday geographies, geographies of care, spaces of resistance, gendered and epistemic violence, decolonizing research and qualitative research methods. She has published consistently in internationally known peer reviewed journals, served as member international editorial boards for Gender, Place and Culture and Social & Cultural Geography and participated actively in international collaborations including the Linnaeus Palme and the Erasmus Mundus programmes at the Department of Gender Studies, Lund University Sweden. Anindita has previously been invited to deliver talks and keynotes at the Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers, UK, NTNU Norway, University of Bordeaux, France, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, NIAS And University of Copenhagen, Denmark, University of Groningen, Netherlands, among others. She sees no contradiction in her role as mother of three and hands on feminist geographer.
In her role as Chair Anindita hopes to facilitate more conversations across difference, work with members of the Steering Committee to forge spaces of co-production, decolonize knowledge and push for epistemologies of hope and healing at a time where the relevance of feminist geography and feminist solidarities is underlined every single day.
Most recent publications:
Gender, Space and Agency in India
​Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies
Prof. Ann Oberhauser
Women’s and Gender Studies Program
217B East Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294-9283
Dr. Ann Oberhauser's research focuses on gender and development with an emphasis on rural economic strategies and microfinance. Much of her research takes place in Appalachia and southern Africa. She co-edited a book with Johnston-Anumonwo, Global Perspectives on Gender and Space, and has published numerous articles and chapters in major social science journals and books. Another area of Dr. Oberhauser's research examines the use of social media among college students. This work was conducted with colleagues in psychology and communication studies and analyzes how computer-mediated communication (CMT) impacts students’ attachment to family and friends. Her teaching specialties include feminist theory and research, gender and globalization, development studies, and gender and work.
Prof. Dr. Sybille Bauriedl
Europe University Flensburg
Department for Geography
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg
Sybille Bauriedl is Professor for Integrative Geography at the Europe University of Flensburg in the far North of Germany, at the Danish Border. In 2017 she was Guest Professor for Geography and Gender Studies at the University of Graz. Since the early 1990s she has been active in teaching, researching Feminist Geography at various Universities and as part of the German, Swiss, Austrian Feminist Geography Working Group. In 2012 she hosted (together with Anke Strüver) the IGU Pre-Conference in Hamburg "Down to Earth: Identities, Bodies and Spatial Scales". Her academic engagement is deeply related to her activist engagement in right to the city groups in her hometown Hamburg, and in climate justice activism. Teaching is focused on development geography, energy geography, political ecology, decolonial geography. Current research projects und publications are related to feminist theory and methodology and deal with decentralized energy transition, with platform urbanism in major cities, and with (post)colonial infrastructures in European port cities.
Assoc. Prof. Marianne Blidon
Institut de Démographie de l’Université
Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne University
90 rue de Tolbiac
75013 Paris,
+33 (0)1 44 07 86 52
Marianne Blidon is an associate professor at the Faculty of Demography, Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne University, France.
She was among the founders of the journal Genre, sexualité & société, serves on the editorial board of Gender, place and culture and of Fennia, and among the founders of the Certificat of gender studies at Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne University. She was the co-editor of several issues on gender and on geography of sexualities. Her research focuses mainly on gender and sexualities. Other studies include ethical and methodological issues. She is currently engaged in research on trauma.
Ass. Prof. Martina Caretta
Senior Lecturer
Human Geography Department
Lund University,
Martina Angela Caretta is an Assistant Professor in Geography at the Department of Geology and Geography at West Virginia University. She holds a PhD in Geography from Stockholm University, Sweden. She is a feminist geographer investigating the human dimensions of water through participatory methodologies. Her doctoral dissertation explored gender contracts in smallholder irrigation farming systems in Kenya and Tanzania. Her current research revolves around the gendered embodied dimensions of natural resource extraction and how those are manifested through water pollution and scarcity. She is the coordinating lead author of the “Water” Chapter of the Working Group II of the upcoming IPCC Assessment Report. She is also concerned with the gendered impacts of the neoliberal academia, specifically focusing on mentoring and support practices among junior geography faculty. Her work has been published in The AAG Annals, Gender Place and Cultture, The Geographical Journal, and Qualitative Research, among other journals.
Prof. Maria Prats Ferret
Department of Geography
Edifici B
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra
+34 935811514
Maria Prats Ferret is a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography. She is a member of the Geography and Gender Research Group and she is currently Director of the Observatory for Equality at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses on geography and gender. Her research interests focus on feminist social geographies and qualitative methodologies. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Reading, Universidade de Lisboa and at CUNY. She currently serves on the editorial board of the journals: Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica and Revista Latinoamericana de Geografía y Género and is a past member of the Gender, Place and Culture editorial board. She has published articles in international academic journals and co-authored works in edited collections for international publishers.
Prof. Mary Njeri Kinyanjui
Research Associate,
Mount Holyoke College,
Institute for Development Studies,
University of Nairobi,
Nairobi, Kenya
Mary Njeri Kinyanjui P.h.D conducts research on women and the informal economy in African cities, international trade justice, education, women and pain, gender based violence and femicide, women and the survival of indigenous economic activities in the global economy. She has taught gender and development, feminist research methods and international organizations and gender graduate level courses at the African Women Center at the University of Nairobi. She has been a visiting scholar at the Five College Women’s Study Center, Mount Holyoke, MA and at the Bellagio Rockefeller Center in Italy. She has published widely in peer reviewed journals, along with many books on women and the economy, utu feminism and women and pain. Her current research examines the logics, norms, values and institutional arrangements of “Wanjiku”. Wanjiku represents the subaltern or the ordinary woman engaged in small scale production and distribution in Africa. Dr Kinyanjui examines how the neoliberal project and the politics of democratization shape Wanjiku and the politics of caring connection and social change. She has published this work in her most recent book: Wanjiku in Global Development: Logic and Solidarity in Everyday livelihood Survival. She is also known for her activism in women rights, education and leadership.
Dra. Joseli Maria Silva
State University of Ponta Grossa
Department of Geography
Avenida General Carlos Cavalcanti, 4748.
Bloco L . Campus Uvaranas
Ponta Grossa, Paraná
+55 42 3220-3046
Joseli Maria Silva is a professor of geography in the postgraduate programme at the State University of Ponta Grossa. She is coordinator of the Group of Territorial Studies at the same university and chief editor of the Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero (Latin American Journal of Geography and Gender). She is one of the founders of the Ibero-Latin American Network for the Study of Geography, Gender and Sexualities. Her research is focused on the relationship between space, gender and sexualities, with special attention on trans-sexualities. She is a member of the Renascer (Reborn) NGO, which works in support of citizenship and the human rights of LGBT groups. She has edited several books, including Geografias subversivas: discursos sobre espaço, gênero e sexualidades (Subversive Geographies: discourses on space, gender and sexuality), Geografias malditas: corpos, sexualidades e espaços (Cursed Geographies: bodies, sexualities and spaces) and Espaço, gênero e poder: conectando fronteiras (Space, Gender and Power: connecting borders).
Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Underhill-Sem
Development Studies
School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts
University of Auckland
Phone: +649 9232311
Yvonne Jasmine Te Ruki Rangi o Tangaroa Underhill-Sem is an Associate Professor in Development Studies in the School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Auckland. Yvonne is a Cook Island New Zealander with close family ties to Papua New Guinea. She publishes in the areas of gender and development, Pacific development and feminist political ecology. She taught at University of Papua New Guinea and Australian National University before she joined the University of Auckland in 2004. From 1999-2009 Yvonne was the Pacific Regional Co-ordinator for DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era) - a global feminist research and advocacy network of women from the global south. She is currently Co-Chair of Oxfam NZ; is a lead researcher focusing on labour markets in the Pacific for the recently established NZ Institute of Pacific Research; and a member of the newly established Pacific Gender Research Advisory Group funded by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Assoc. Prof. Elena Vacchelli
Associate Professor in Gender and Migration
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Greenwich
+44 (0)20 8331 8951
Dr Elena Vacchelli is Associate Professor in Gender and Migration at University of Greenwich in London (UK). After obtaining her PhD at the Open University's Geography Department, substantial experience in researching diversity and gender was acquired through ongoing research at European, national and community level. Elena’s work is situated at the interface between critical/feminist geography and sociology, as evident by her publications in the fields of urban, migration and gender studies. Her most recent work has focussed on art-based and digital research methodologies. She is co-founder of a repository for teaching, research and activism making use of participatory and creative approaches for engaging migrant populations, migART ( More details of her research/ teaching interests and publications and can be found here:
Prof. Yoko Yoshida
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nara Women’s University
Nara 630-8506
Yoko Yoshida is a professor of human geography at Nara Women’s University, Japan. She and her colleagues established a new study group for gender and space/place within the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2011. Nara Pre-conference of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography was held on August 2-3, 2013, as a result that she and the members of study group invited a pre-conference. Yoshida investigates the existence of inseparable issues between military/military base and gender, with special focus on the entertainment (so-called red-light) district near the U. S. military base in Japan. Besides she discusses a possibilities of feminist geography and geography of gender in Japan.
Former Members
Dr. Orna Blumen
Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences
University of Haifa
Mount Carmel, 31905
+ 972 4 8240155
Orna Blumen is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, and the MA Program of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Haifa, Israel. She was among the founders of the Israeli Association for Feminist and Gender Studies, serves on the editorial board of Journal of Managerial Psychology, of Migdar (gender): An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal for Gender and Feminist Research, and among the founders of the recently launched journal The Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterly. She was the co-editor of Hagar: Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities (Vol.11) –a collection of studies presented in the 2010 meeting of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography. Her research focuses on gender and home-work links, spanning from the investigation of commuting patterns to the study of how workers’ job involvement is perceived in their families. She is currently engaged in research on outdoor physical activity of Arab women, on marriage migration of Arab brides and on how pregnancy is perceived in the workplace.
Prof. Lynda Johnston,
former Chair
Geography Programme
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
+64 7 838 4046
Dr Lynda Johnston's research interests centre on the challenges and spatial complexities of inequality. Specifically, my work draws attention to the exclusionary ways in which various forms of marginalisation and discrimination – such as sexism, homophobia, and racism – shape people’s places and spaces. I have a commitment to empirical research that is informed by current theoretical debates about society, space and tourism encounters. I have an international research focus on the embodied geographies of gender and sexuality as well as tourism geographies. In addition to her position as chair for the IGU gender commission, Dr Johnston was the editor of Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography (GPC) from 2011-2016 and founding editor of Te Kura Kete Aronui. She currently holds editorial board positions with GPC, Social and Cultural Geography, and Emotion, Place and Society.
Prof. Dr. Anke Strüver
Institut für Geographie
Universität Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
D-20146 Hamburg
0049(0)40 / 42838 - 5210
Anke Strüver is a professor for social geography at the University of Hamburg and studies mutual constructions of socioeconomic, cultural and spatial processes at various scales, yet with the urban as special focus. Her research profile is characterized by a continued and extensive critical study of spatial issues and their adjoining methodological perspectives at the interface between political, social and economic problems. In addition she has long-standing interests in feminist issues, both political and academic, and is an active member of the research network “feminist geographies and new materialism” (funded by the German Research Foundation). Her longstanding research interest is focused on “Performing Spaces – Gender Dynamics, Corpo-Realities and Spatial Structures”. Her thematic publications include the books “Macht Körper Wissen Raum?” (2005) and „Geschlechterverhältnisse, Raumstrukturen, Ortsbeziehungen: Erkundungen von Vielfalt und Differenz im Spatial Turn“ (edited with Sybille Bauriedl and Michaela Schier, 2010) as well as numerous journal acticles.
Prof. Linda Peake
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
& The City Institute
731 Kaneff Tower
York University
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
+1 416 736-2100
Linda Peake is Director of the City Institute at York University, Toronto, Canada. She is a feminist geographer with research interests on gendered urban insecurities, particularly as they pertain to the urban global south, and specifically Guyana. In addition she has long-standing interests in urban-based research on women; on whiteness and anti-racist practices; and feminist methodologies, particularly in terms of the work these do in transnational feminist praxis. Her interests in knowledge production also extend to issues of engaging with people experiencing mental and emotional distress and she is currently chair of the AAG task Force on Mental Health. She sat on a number of editorial boards of academic journals including having been the Managing Editor of Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography and a founding editor of Social and Cultural Geography. Most recently she has joined the International Advisory Board of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. She was the “Social Geography’ editor for the AAG International Encylopedia of Geography and her latest publications include the books Urbanization In A Global Context (edited with Alison Bain, 2017) and Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban (edited with Martina Reiker, 2013).