Publications 2023
Datta, Anindita, Janet Momsen, and Ann M. Oberhauser. eds. 2023. Bridging Worlds–Building Feminist Geographies: Essays in Honour of Janice Monk. London:Routledge.The book marks the 30th anniversary of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography and is an excellent collection of work that was inspired by our friend and colleague Jan Monk. Click here for a brief description of the book, list of chapters and contributors.
Adomako, Janet and Heidi Hausermann (2023) Gendered mining landscapes and health implications in Ghana’s artisanal and small-scale gold mining industry, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 385- 394
Alda-Vidal, Cecilia, Mary Lawhon, Deljana Iossifova and Alison L. Browne (2023) Living with fragile infrastructure: The gendered labour of preventing, responding to and being impacted by sanitation failures, Geoforum, 141,103724
Almeida, João Paulo Leandro de and Marcio Jose Ornat (2023) Corpo como Espaço, Gênero como Categoria: Uma Análise das Espacialidades da Escola de Guardas Mirins em Ponta Grossa Pr, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 138-157
Altay, Saadet and Jessie Clark (2023) ‘The city’s other face’: Postsecular feminism and the creation of sacred space by women in Kurdish Turkey, Social and Cultural Geography, 24: 7, 1224-1241
An, Ning, Min Wang and Hong Zhu (2023) The geopolitics of a female Chinese migrant charity network in Zimbabwe: Insights from Love in Africa, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:7, 1262-1280
Andersson, Johan (2023) Berlin's queer archipelago: Landscape, sexuality, and nightlife, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48:1, 100-116
Andrade, Adriane de (2023) Benzedeiras, Saberes Ancestrais de Cura e a Disputa no Campo do Saber. Um Olhar Decolonial, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 77-97Antipode, 55:2, 574-598
Antona, Laura (2023) ‘Cute face and quiet … but her look don't match her personality’: Commodifying flesh, shaping labour expectations and domestic workers' treatment in Singapore, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48:2, 425-438
Anugwa, Ifeoma Quinette, Esdras Abréwa Rêmilokoun Obossou, Jane Mbolle Chah et al. (2023) Gender perspectives in vulnerability of Nigeria’s agriculture to climate change impacts: a systematic review, GeoJournal, 88:1, 1139-1155
Arnhold, Ana Laura and Maria Simone Vione Schwengber (20220 A Memória das Mulheres nas Ruas da Cidade de Ijuí/RS: Discursos Toponímicos na Exposição "As Mulheres que Estão no Mapa", Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 1:2, 3-16
Arthur-Holmes, Francis, Thomas Yeboah and Kwaku Abrefa Busia (2023) Dimensions of women’s mobility, livelihoods and vulnerability in artisanal and small-scale mining-induced local economy, Journal of Rural Studies, 101, 103061
Ashaley-Nikoi, Juliana and Emmanuel Abbey (2023) Determinants of the level of informality amongst female street food vendors in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from two regions in Ghana, Cities, 138, 104359
Assefa, Engdawork and Gebremichael Gebrehiwat (2023) Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation in Tigray, Ethiopia, Global Environmental Change, 82, 102737
Azima, Stevens and Patrick Mundler (2022) The gendered motives and experiences of Canadian women farmers in short food supply chains: Work satisfaction, values of care, and the potential for empowerment, Journal of Rural Studies, 96, 19-31
Baker, G., S. Kindon and E. Beausoleil (2022) Danced movement in human geographic research: a methodological discussion, Geography Compass, 16:8
Banerjee, Swati Banerjee, Luciane Lucas dos Santos and Lars Hulgård (2023) Intersectional knowledge as rural social innovation, Journal of Rural Studies, 98, 252-261
Banta, Vanessa and Geraldine Pratt (2023) Immobilised by the pandemic: Filippino domestic workers and seafarers in the time of COVID-19, Transactions of the British Institute of Geographers, 48:3, 556-570
Barel-Guyot, Isis (2023) Layer of honesty: Postcolonial feminism and ethical research relationships post-pandemic, Area, 55:3, 316-323
Barman, N. and B. Sarkar (2022) Women Beedi Workers of Cooch Behar, West Bengal: Accessibility of Welfare Programmes, Social Change, 52:4, 505–519
Barreto, Rafael Chaves Vasconcelos and Agelita Alves de Carvalho (2023) “Espaço Urbano, Redes de Sociabilidade e Políticas de Saúde LGBTI+ sob o Prisma da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde – PNS 2019, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 158-177
Bass, Madeline (2023) Hiriira Spatiotemporalities: Mapping Oromo Women’s Liberation in Post- Imperial Berlin, Antipode, 55:1, 49-69
Bassetti, Telma Bittencourt (2022) Arte, Brilho, Ativismo e Resistência na Trilha de Vida de Lorna Washington, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 167-200
Bastiaa, Tanja, Kavita Dattab, Katja Hujoc, Nicola Piperb and Matthew Walsham (2023) Reflections on intersectionality: a journey through the worlds of migration research, policy and advocacy, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:3, 460-483
Bates, Emma and Louise Hol (2023) The ‘Mirrored Ceiling’: Young undergraduate student women’s expectations of gendered career opportunities and constraints, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:2, 345-362
Baylina, Mireia (2022) Retorn al rural, gènere i poder local, In: Rosa Cerarols and Joan Nogué (eds.) L’altre món rural. Reflexions i experiències de la nova ruralitat catalana. Manresa, Tigre de paper, 109-128
Baylina, Mireia, Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon and Janice Monk (2022) Gender and International Geography, In: Vladimir Kolosov, Jacobo García-Álvarez, Michael Heffernan and Bruno Schelhaas (eds.) A Geographical Century: Essays for the Centenary of International Geographical Union, Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 167-177
Baylina, Mireia, Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, Montse Villarino, M. Josefa Mosteiro, Ana Maria Porto and Isabel Salamaña (2022) Repoblación rural post-COVID 19: Reflexiones desde el territorio, In: J. M. Tirado, M. A. Piñeiro, V. Paül and R. Lois (eds.) ¿Renacimiento rural? Los espacios rurales en época de pos-pandemia. Actas del XXI Coloquio de Geografía Rural de la AGE/IV Coloquio Internacional de Geografía rural ColoRURAL Santiago de Compostela: AGE & Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 33-38
Belarmino, Victor Hugo, Magda Dimenstein and Jáder Ferreira Leite (2022) Cidade, sociabilidade gay e afeminação: uma experiência interseccional, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 100-120
Bhagat, Ali (2023) Queer global displacement: Social reproduction, refugee survival, and organized abandonment in Nairobi, Cape Town, and Paris, Antipode, 55:5, 1517-1537
Bhattacharyya, R., P. K. Sarma and T. K. Das (2023) Mass exodus of India’s internal migrant labourersduring the first phase of COVID-19: A critical analysis, SN Social Sciences, 3, 108
Biswas, Ritwika (2023) Embracing the uncertain—figuring out our own stories of flexibility and ethics in the field, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:8, 1126-1146
Bonner-Thompson, Carl (2023) Queering digital temporalities? Visceral geographies of Grindr, Geoforum, 144, 103815
Boongaling, Cheamson Garret K., Catriona E. Devanadera and Fevi Rose C. Paro (2023) Gendered participatory resource mapping: case studies of upland and coastal indigenous communities in Mindanao, Philippines, GeoJournal, 88:1, 319-339
Bork-Hüffer, T., B. Mahlknecht, A. Markl and K. Kaufmann (2023) Digital geographies of mundane violence: Outline of an emerging research field and the example of (cyber-)bullying in young people’s lives, Erdkunde, 77:3, 169–194
Borsuk, Imren (2023) Gendered dispossession and women’s changing poverty by slum/squatter redevelopment projects: A case study from Turkey, Environment and Planning A, 55:5, 1190- 1206
Boudewijn, Inge M. A. (2023) Mapping mining’s temporal disruptions: Understanding Peruvian women’s experiences of place-attachment in changing landscapes, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1457-1481
Boussalem, Alessandro (2023) A place where there is no need to explain: LGBTQ Muslims, collective disidentification and queer space in Brussels, Belgium, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:9, 1654-1671
Bowden-Akbari, Samantha, Stephen MacFarland and Martin Bosman (2022) Engendered in Stone; The Role of Race and Gender in the Construction and Removal of Confederate Monuments in Tampa, Florida, ACME, 21:5
Branquinho, Evânio and Jean Dutra (2022) Territorialização da Prostituição Transexual e Travesti em Alfenas/MG, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 201-227
Braun, Lesley Nicole and Heidi Østbø Haugen (2023) The Weight Women Carry: Research on the Visible and Invisible Baggage in Suitcase Trade between China and Africa, The Professional Geographer, 75:1, 138-144
Brickell, Catherine, Sabina Lawreniuk, Theavy Chhom, Reach Mony, Hengvotey So and Lauren McCarthy (2023) ‘Worn out’: debt discipline, hunger, and the gendered contingencies of the COVID-19 pandemic amongst Cambodian garment workers, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:3-4, 600-619
Brigstocke, Julian, Maira Fróes, Cristina Cabral, Lidiane Malanquini and Gabriela Baptista (2023) Biosocial borders: Affective debilitation and resilience among women living in a violently bordered favela, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48:3, 587-602
Brito Souza, Hortência Gomes de and Marcio Jose Ornat (2022) Quem Vive na Margem não se Afoga Nessa Água: Geografias de Corpos e Espaços Bissexuais, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 145-166
Brown, Shawntal Z. (2023) Mapping pleasure and pain on Black women’s bodies: Southern Black feminist geographic interventions, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:2, 237-255
Browne, Kath and Catherine J. Nash (2023) COVID19 geographies: activities and activisms of those opposed to or concerned about changes to sexual and gendered legislation and cultures, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:3-4, 524-541
Browne, Kath and Catherine J. Nash (2023) From Hegemonic to Where? The Public Spatialities of Shifting Positionings for Those Who Are Opposed to/Concerned About Socio-Legal Changes in Sexual and Genders, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 114:4, 269-371
Bryan, Elizabeth and Dawit Mekonnen (2023) Does small-scale irrigation provide a pathway to women’s empowerment? Lessons from Northern Ghana, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 474- 484
Calkin, Sydney, Cordelia Freeman and Francesca Moore (2022) The geography of abortion: Discourse, spatiality and mobility, Progress in Human Geography, 46:6, 1413-1430
Canoy, Nico (2023) Do cities enable caring-with men? An ordinary politics of urban care, Urban Studies, 60:3, 572-582
Caretta, M. A. (2023) Care-full advising in the neoliberal academy: How to support PhD students through challenging fieldwork. A Community Blog, on Doctoral Supervision Relationships and Pedagogies
Caretta, M. A. and E. B. Carlson (2023) Local residents’ lived experiences of energy sprawl in West Virginia. A visual exploration of landscape change, Landscape Research
Carlson, E. B. and M. A. Caretta (2023) Collaborative sensemaking through photos: Using photovoice to study gas pipeline development in Appalachia, Qualitative Research
Castro, Maria Victoria and Lina Buchely (2023) Sex and the City: On the Politics of Producing Identities through Space, ACME, 22:2, 971-991
Chennault, Carrie and Lynn Sutton (2023) At home: Black women’s collective claims to environmentally just rental housing, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113:7, 1682-1698
Chettri, Mona (2023) New jobs, new spatialised patriarchy: Creating factory workers in a Himalayan pharmaceutical hub, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1482-1502
Chowdhury, Romit (2023) Sexual assault on public transport: Crowds, nation, and violence in the urban commons, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:7, 1087-1103
Chowdhury, Suban Kumar (2023) Guarding border: Bodies and dichotomy in gendered control over mobility in a borderland of Bangladesh, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:11, 1594-1616
Clark, Sarah and Orhon Myadar (2023) The power of story: Understanding gendered dimensions of mobility among Tucson refugees, Geographical Compass, 17:3, e12678
Cordova, Dawana Ferreira, Ivan Jairo Junckes, Emerson Joucoski, Rodrigo Rossi Horochovski and Neilor Fermino Camargo (2023) Democracia e Representação Política de Mulheres em Municípios de Médio e Pequeno porte no Brasil, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 56-76
Costa, Maria da Graça, Antonio Alves Filho, Jáder Ferreira Leite and Ana Luiza Dantas de Oliveira (2023) Gênero e Mobilidade Urbana na América Latina: Uma Revisão Integrativa, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 19-38
Craig, Ailish, Craig Hutton, Frank. B. Musa and Justin Sheffield (2023) Bonding, bridging and linking social capital combinations for food access: A gendered case study exploring temporal differences in southern Malawi, Journal of Rural Studies, 101, 103039
Crovara, Elisabetta (2023) Working with care: embodying feminist care ethics in regional coworking spaces, Geoforum, 140, 103702
Cui, Can, Shan Yu and Youqin Huang (2023) His house, her house? Gender inequality and homeownership among married couples in urban China, Cities, 134, 104187
Danze, Alicia (2023) Migration in the margins: Border bureaucracy and barriers to migrants’ rights during Programa Frontera Sur, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:11, 1552-1573
Datta, Manami and Samanta Gopa (2022) Questioning the ‘Two-Leaves-And-A-Bud’ Narrative: Women’s Life in the Tea Gardens, IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science, 41:4, 642-656
Delicado-Moratalla, L. (2023) El sadomasoquismo a debate: aproximación al estado de la cuestión en las ciencias sociales y objeciones feministas a los principales argumentos de su discurso, Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política, 69
Delicado-Moratalla, L. (2023) Genealogía de la geografía feminista en España, Cuadernos Geográficos, 62:2, 6-22
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2022) Mapping the uses of ‘sex’ dolls: pornographic content, doll brothels and the similarities with rape, In: C. Odlin and K. Richardson (eds.) Man-made Women: The Sexual Politics of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 35-47
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2022) Mujer y sexualidad. Política sexual, por Kate Milett (1970), In: A. Calvo Maturana, C. Martínez Maza, Á. Ortega Cera and L. Prieto Borrego (eds.) Fuentes para el estudio de la Historia de las Mujeres. Granada, Editorial Comares, 505-508
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2022) Nuevos interrogantes hacia el sadomasoquismo sexual desde la teoría feminista y el análisis de la cultura popular digital, In: T. Aránguez Sánchez and O. Olariu (eds.) Algoritmos, teletrabajo y otros grandes temas del feminismo digital. Dykinson, 671-693
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2022). La prostitución en la actualidad. El putero español, de Águeda Gómez, Silvia Pérez Freire y Rosa María Verdugo (2015) y La prostitución en el corazón del capitalismo, de Rosa Cobo (2017), In: A. Calvo Maturana, C. Martínez Maza, Á. Ortega Cera and L. Prieto Borrego (eds.) Fuentes para el estudio de la Historia de las Mujeres. Granada, Editorial Comares, 535-538
Dempsey, Jessica, Anna Gabriela Doebeli, Dawn Hoogeveen, Ceall Quinn and Inari Sosa-Ananda (2023) Inconsistent, downplayed, and pathologized: How mining’s gendered impacts are considered in BC environmental assessment, Canadian Geographies, 67:3, 320-336
Díaz-Carrión, Isis Arlene (2023) Sisterhood to promote the rhizomatic bodies of Mexican-mestiza women mountaineers, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:2, 256-277
Downey, Heather and Tim Clune (2023) Constructions of gender in contemporary Australian family farming: A rural financial counsellor perspective, Journal of Rural Studies, 102, 103086
Duplan K. (2023) What would an inclusive city for gender and sexual minorities be like? You need to ask queer folx!, Social Inclusion, 11:3, 138-149
Duplan K., M. Battaglini, M. Chimienti and M. Lieber (2023) Shaping the Inclusive City: Power Relations, Regulations, and the Role of Social Work, Social Inclusion, 11:3, 77-81
Duplan, Carine (2023) ‘She’s a real expat’: be(com)ing a woman expatriate in Luxembourg through everyday performances of heteronormativity, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:1, 1-27
Duplan, Carine and Sophie Cranston (2023) Towards geographies of privileged migration: An intersectional perspective, Progress in Human Geography, 47:2, 333-347
Egah, Janvier, Rosaine N. Yegbemey …. Marie-Paule Kestemont (2023) Can gender-equitable access to and control over resources improve rural households food security? Case study in West Africa, Geojournal, 88:5, 5013-5029
Emmerson, R. Guy (2023) Counter-maps of body-territory: Gender-based violence in Mexico, Political Geography, 106, 102956
Engelmann, Sasha, Sophie Dyer, Lizzie Malcolm and Daniel Powers (2022) Open-weather: Speculative-feminist propositions for planetary images in an era of climate crisis, Geoforum, 137, 237-247
Farré, Lídia et al. (2023) Commuting time and the gender gap in labor market participation, Journal of Economic Geography, 23:4, 847-870
Feliciantonio, Cesare Di and Gavin Brown (2023) Chemsex at home: Homonormative aspirations and the blurring of the private/public space divide, Geoforum, 147, 103879
Feola, Luara Arthur and Adelaine Ellis Carbonar dos Santos (2023) Pessoas LGBT+ e suas Vivências Educacionais no Ensino Superior: Reconhecendo Violências, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 178-203
Fernandez, Federico Garcia (2023) Aportes para la Construcción de un Estado del Arte sobre las Geografías de las Sexualidades, un breve Panorama en Nuestro Abya Yala, Revista Latino- Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 14:1, 204-220
Field, Jessica, Aishwarya Pandit and Minakshi Rajdev (2023) Coping practices and gender relations: Rohingya refugee forced migrations from Myanmar to India, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:3, 329-349
Fonjong, Lotsmart and Regina Ndip Zama (2023) Climate change, water availability, and the burden of women’s triple role in Muyuka, Cameroon, Global Environmental Change, 82, 102709
Fortes de Lena, Fernanda (2022) From urban to highly urban: Internal migration patterns of sexual minorities in Brazil, Population, Space and Place, 28:8, e2575
Franco, Teresa (2023) A transport of one’s own: Women in contemporary Mexico City’s public transport through the lens of photojournalism, Urban Studies, 60:15, 3143-3157
Friman, Jenny (2023) Challenging shea as a woman’s crop – masculinities and resource control in Burkina Faso, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1437-1456
Garfias Royo, Margarita, Priti Parikh, Julian Walker and Jyoti Belur (2023) The response to violence against women and fear of violence and the coping strategies of women in Corregidora, Mexico, Cities, 132, 104-113
Gastón-Guiu, Silvia and Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco (2023) Age, gender, and cohort in residential segregation: The case of African immigrants in Spain, 2000–2020, Population, Space and Place, 29:6, e2675
Gayles, Prisca (2023) ¿Qué vendes morena?: unpacking the bodily territorialization of Black women in Buenos Aires, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:3, 439-459
Gilbertson, Amanda (2023) Outsourcing Patriarchy To and Within India: Intersectional and Decolonial Gender Politics Across Scales, Antipode, 55:3, 770-789
Grace, Kathryn, Devon Kristiansen, Elizabeth Heger-Boyle and Maya Luetke (2023) Investigating Seasonal Agriculture, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancy in Burkina Faso, The Professional Geographer, 75:5, 787-802
Grant, Aimee (2023) Miscarriage and Curtains: A phenomenological autoethnography of curtains, privacy, and loss in an Early Pregnancy Unit in the UK, Geoforum, 143, 103786
Grant, Ruby, Bruce Tranter and Nyree Pisano (2023) Rainbow renters: Differences in housing tenure and satisfaction between LGBTIQ and non-LGBTIQ Australians, Australian Geographer, 54:3, 365-385
Guma, Taulant, Stephen Drinkwater and Rhys Dafydd Jones (2023) “They were chasing me down the streets”: Austerity, resourcefulness, and the tenacity of migrant women’s care-full labour, Geoforum, 144, 103822
Haddad, Marine and Louise Caron (2023) Transregional spouses, parents and children: How gender and family shape return migration in the French overseas, Population, Space and Place, 29:3, 2629
Hall, Rebecca and Hannah Ascough (2023) Care through closure: mine transitions in the mixed economy of the Northwest Territories, Canada, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1415-1436
Hall, Sarah Marie (2023) A Pregnant Pause? Reproduction, waiting and silences in the relational endurance of austerity, Geoforum, 142, 103755
Halliwell, Jamie (2023) ‘Are you sure you’re not gay?’: Straight and bisexual male experiences of Eurovision Song Contest fandom, Social and Cultural Geography, 24:6, 1042-1041
Harcourt, Wendy (2023) The politics of knowledge: Feminist strategies of transformation, Dialogues in Human Geography, 13:2, 296-300
Harden, Meagan (2023) Unmade in America: The gendered politics of birth tourism in the United States, Political Geography, 107, 102972
Hartal, Gilly and Yael Bar Tzedek (2023) Liberal LGBTphobia in rural spaces: Israeli lesbian and bisexual women’s relationality, Journal of Rural Studies, 102, 103096
Hassan, Rahma, Teela Sanders, Susan Gichuna, Rosie Campbell, Mercy Mutonyi and Peninah Mwangi (2023) Informal settlements, Covid-19 and sex workers in Kenya, Urban Studies, 60:8, 1483- 1496
Haworth, B. T., S. McKinnon and C. Eriksen (2022) Advancing disaster geographies: From marginalisation to inclusion of gender and sexual minorities, Geography Compass, 16:11, e12664
Hawthorne, Camilla (2023) Black Mediterranean geographies: translation and the mattering of Black Life in Italy, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:3, 484-507
Hill, A. and S. Kindon (2021) From women’s business to men’s business: exploring connections between vasectomy acceptance and equitable gender relations in South Tarawa, Kiribati, New Zealand Women’s Studies Journal, 35:1, 21-42
Hiller, Tatiana and Marisol Rodríguez Chatruc (2023) South-south migration and female labor supply in the Dominican Republic (2023), Journal of Economic Geography, 23:2, 419-448
Hoogenraad, Henrike (2023) A case of cruel optimism: White Australian women’s experiences of marriage migration, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:9, 1199-1219
Hopkins, Debbie and A. C. Davidson (2023) Stories of the gendered mobile work of English lorry driving, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1372-1392
Hu, Yang and Dick Ettema (2023) Exploring residential dissonance from a household perspective: A gendered examination of resident characteristics in a small Chinese city, Journal of Transport Geography, 112, 103706
Hu, Yang, Anae Sobhani and Dick Ettema (2022) How does commuting influence time use and domain and life satisfaction? Evidence from dual-earner couples with school-age children in a small Chinese city, Cities, 131, 104046
Igonya, Emmy Kageha, Lorraine Nencel, Ida Sabelis and Grace Kimemia (2022) Using Economic Diaries in an Ethnographic Study: What They Can Tell About the Financial and Daily Lives of Male and Female Sex Workers in Mombasa, Progress in Development Studies, 23:1, 28-43
Jacobsen, Malene H. (2023) A feminist geopolitics of living: Syrians’ struggles to maintain and reunite intimate ties across borders, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:9, 1303-1324
Janetius, S. T. and Nawal P. Singh (2023) Work, Retirement and Financial Independence: FIRE Concept in India, EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 11:3
Joanes, Jasmine (2023) Bloody, hairy, and hormonal: An intimate geopolitics of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Political Geography, 106, 102952
Johnston, L. and R. Longhurst (2023) A Geografia Mais Íntima: O Corpo (The Most Intimate Geography: The Body). In: J. M. Silva, M. J., Ornat, and A. B. Chimin Junior (eds) Corpos and Geografia: Expressões de Espaços Encarnados. Paraná, Todapalavre Editora, 43-68
Jongerden, Joost (2023) Reverse Discourse, Queering of Self-Determination, and Sexual Ruptures: Abdullah Öcalan, the Kurdistan Workers Party, and the Problem of the Nation-State, Geopolitics, 28:5, 1920-1941
Joshi, Saakshi and Ajay Bailey (2023) What happens next? Exploring women’s transport motility through the story completion method, Journal of Transport Geography, 107, 103547
Kale, A. and S. Kindon (2021). Gender, (im)mobility and citizenship in a refugee women’s driving programme: exploring emotional citizenry in Aotearoa New Zealand, Gender, Place and Culture, 28:10, 1472-1492
Kama, Amit (2023) Experiences of gay men living in a kibbutz, Journal of Rural Studies, 103, 103110 Kara, Hilal and Beverley Mullings (2023) Navigating wait space in uncertain times: Young women and precarious labour in Turkey, Antipode, 55:4, 1047-1067
Kestilä, Iiris (2023) Law, space and power: Spatiality in the European Court of Human Rights judgments on homosexuality, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:11, 1509-1528
Khan, Muhammad Salman (2023) Women’s markets: The everyday affective dimensions of Taliban’s violence in Swat, Pakistan, Geoforum, 138, 103674
Kindon, S. (2021) Participatory Action Research. In: I. Hay and M. Cope (eds.) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, 5th Edition. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 309-329
Kindon, S. and M. Zonjic (2021) Participatory Video. In: D. Richardson (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Washington, American Association of Geographers and Wiley-Blackwell
Kindon, S., with members of the Wellington Arpilleras Collective (2021) Arpilleras as Participatory Research. In: D. Burns, J. Howard and S. Ospina (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry. London, Sage, 713-729
Kirby, Philip (2023) Musical Geopolitics: Masculinity, Nationhood, and the Scoring of Superman (1978–2006), Geopolitics, 28:2, 694-717
Kitching, Karl, Eluska Fernández and Deirdre Horgan (2022) Sweets are ‘my best friend’: belonging, bargains and body-shaming in working class girls’ food and health relationships, Children’s Geographies, 20:5, 590-603
Klosterkamp, Sarah (2023) Affectual intensities: Toward a politics of listening in court ethnography, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:11, 1529-1551
Koleth, E., L. Peake, N. Razavi and G. Adeniyi-Ogunyankin (2023) Re-imagining decolonial feminist urban futures, Urban Geography, 44:9, 1843-1852
Konkor, Irenius and Vincent Kuuire (2023) The impact of residential and non-residential environments on non-communicable disease in Ghanaian cities: The role of Gender, Cities, 143, 04568
Koot, Stasja and Frederiek Veenenbos (2023) The spectacle of inclusive female anti-poaching: Heroines, green militarization and invisible violence, Geoforum, 144, 103806
Kulz, Christy (2023) Spaces of the local, spaces of the nation: Intersectional bordering practices in post-Brexit Berlin, European Urban and Regional Studies, 30:3, 221-234
Kumari, Rashmi (2022) Constructions and contestations of Indigenous girlhoods in residential schools in Central India, Children’s Geographies, 20:6, 832-844
Kumari, Suman and Vasu Siotra (2023) Indian females in the twenty-first century: How they have fared? An analysis using geospatial techniques, Geojournal, 88:4, 4279-4295
Kyritsi, Krystallia (2022) Creativity in childhood: exploring how children’s experiences of creativity can be understood intersectionally and spatially, Children’s Geographies, 20:5, 576-589
Lai, Yingtong and Eric Fong (2023) Support or burden? Mental health and transnational family contact among female migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, Population, Space and Place, 29:2, 2617.
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Wanzinack, Clovis, Tainá Ribas Mélo and Marcos Claudio Signorelli (2022) Gênero, Raça, Desigualdades Sociais e Território como Fatores Relacionados a Homicídios de Crianças Brasileiras: Um análise Ecológica de 2014 a 2018, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 255-270
Warburton, Mimi (2023) Trans in Arcadia: Transgender lives in the countryside and expanding Philo’s ‘rural others’ beyond the cis, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 115-122
Warren, Andrew and Chris Gibson (2023) Struggles over skills: Lived experiences of evolving technologies and gendered hierarchies at work, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113:5, 1071-1091
Weaver, Elizabeth, Amy Richmond and Kathryn Pegues (2023) The health of women in sub-Saharan African informal settlements: A literature review, Geojournal, 88:3, 3389-3397
Wendling, Andressa and Carmem Regina Giongo (2022) Vivências de Mulheres em Situação de Refúgio ou Imigração na Região do Vale do Sinos, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:2, 80-99
Whyte, Nicola (2022) Landscapes on the move: The travel journals of Celia Fiennes (1685-c.1712), Journal of Historical Geography, 78, 173-181
Yurko, Kayla (2023) Pastoralist milking spaces as multispecies sites of gendered control and resistance in Kenya, Gender, Place and Culture, 30:10, 1393-1414
Zebracki, Martin and Aydan Greatrick (2022) Inclusive LGBTQ+ fieldwork Advancing spaces of belonging and safety, Area, 54:4, 551-557
Zhang, Jingwen, James Nazroo and Nan Zhang (2023) Do migration outcomes relate to gender? Lessons from a study of internal migration, marriage and later‐life health in China, Population, Space and Place, 29:5, e2659
Zhu, Yan, Chong Liu and Sharon Elley (2022) Relationships with opposite-gender peers: the ‘fine line’ between an acceptable and unacceptable ‘liking’ amongst children in a Chinese rural primary school, Children’s Geographies, 20:5, 714-727
Publications 2022
Acosta, Mariola (2022) Placing meaning making processes at the center of gender equality strategies in rural development, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 736-740
Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, Grace and Linda Peake (2021) Tiwa’s Morning. In: M. Lancione and C. McFarlane (eds.)The Handbook of Global Urbanism: Essays on the City and its Futures. London, Routledge
Agarwal, Sangeeta and Swagata Basu(2022) Standpoints on Women's Role in Observance of Some Hindu Festival Rituals in Northern Parts of India: A Case Study of Basoda in Hapur District, In: Archana Rathore and Reena Mittal (eds.) Woman and her Stance in Indian Customs and Rituals. New Delhi, Authors Press, 217-226
Albet, Abel and Maria-Dolors García-Ramon (2022) Critical approaches and the practice of Geography in Spain. In: Lawrence D. Berg, Ulrich Best, Mary Gilmartin and Henrik Gutzon Larsen (eds.) Placing Critical Geographies: Historical Geographies of Critical Geography. Abingdon/Nova York, Routledge, 246-264
Albuquerque, Rossana Maria Marinho and João Marcelo Brasileiro (2021) Espaço da Casa, Cenário da Morte: Uma Abordagem Interseccional sobre os Feminicídios no Estado do Piauí no Contexto da Pandemia, Revista Latino Americana De Geografia E Gênero, 12:2 (jul/dez), 93 – 115
Alda-Vidal, Cecilia and Alison L. Browne (2022) Absorbents, practices, and infrastructures: Changing socio-material landscapes of menstrual waste in Lilongwe, Malawi, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:8, 1057-1077
Alfaro, Claudia Fonseca (2021) Feminist Lefebvre? Understanding urbanization through the global intimate, ACME, 20:4, 366-386
Allen, Adriana (2022) Navigating stigma through everyday city-making: Gendered trajectories, politics and outcomes in the periphery of Lima, Urban Studies, 59:3, 490-508
Allen, Diana Keown (2021) Mothers gather: the fractured temporalities of Palestinian motherhood,Geografisker Annaler Human Geography Series B, 103:4, 367-379
Allen, Louisa, John Fenaughty and Lucy Cowie (2022) Thinking with new materialism about ‘safe-un- safe’ campus space for LGBTTIQA+ students, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:5, 757-773
Almudéver Chanzà, Josep (2022) Gossip and godly work: devotional labour and cartographies of care in Spain, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 649-669
Amegbor, Prince M. et al. (2022) Individual and contextual predictors of overweight or obesity among women in Uganda: a spatio-temporal perspective, GeoJournal, 87:5, 3793-3813
Ammann, Carole, Julia Mall, Marina Richter and Susan Thieme (2021) Negotiating social differences and power geometries among healthcare professionals in a Swiss hospital, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:12, 1715-1737
Ampin, Gloria Abena, Haldis Haukanes, Astrid Blystad and Albert Kpoor (2022) ‘I Do Not Want Her to be Doing Anything Stressful’: Men’s Involvement in Domestic Work During Pregnancy in Ghana, Progress in Development Studies, 22:4, 319-334
Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina and Esther Arenas-Arroyo (2022) Police trust and domestic violence among immigrants: evidence VAWA self-petitions, Journal of Economic Geography, 22:2, 395-422
Andersson, Gunnel et al. (2022) A longitudinal study of men and women diagnosed with psychosis: trajectories revealing interventions in a time-geographic framework, GeoJournal, 87:4, 2423- 2440
Antwi, Sarpong Hammond (2022) The trade-off between gender, energy and climate change in Africa: the case of Niger republic, GeoJournal, 87:1, 183-195
Arriagada, Evelyn, Antonia Garc´es Sotomayor, Antoine Maillet, Karin Viveros Barrientos and Antonia Zambra (2022) Lived environmental citizenship through intersectional lenses: The experience of female community leaders in rural Chile, Journal of Rural Studies, 94, 353-364
Atuk, Tankut (2022) Hungry Ethics: from doing research to becoming-sangtin, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:7, 946-960
Autzen, Mathilde and Kristen Ounanian (2022) ‘It’s how you catch the fish’: debates on ecolabelling, yield thinking, and care in Denmark, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:10, 1399-1422
Azevedo, Luyanne and Ana Cláudia Ramos Sacramento (2022) As Trajetórias de Vida Formação- Profissão de Ella, Filomena, Maria e Sol, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:1, 95 – 124
Azmi, Fazeeha and Ragnhild Lund (2022) Women adjusting their sails: The role of motility in women’s livelihood strategies in a fishing village in Tamil Nadu, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 43:3, 347-362
Babis, Deby (2022) Inclusion and beauty pageants? The Filipino migrant worker community in Israel, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 625-648
Bain, L. Alison and Julie A. Podmore (2022) The scalar arrhythmia of LGBTQ2s social inclusion policies: An Analysis of the Peripheral Municipalities of a ‘Progressive’ City-region, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 46:5, 784-806
Bansal, Taruna et al. (2022) Gender and smart city: canvassing (in)security in Delhi, GeoJournal, 87:3, 2307-2325
Barocci, Antonio (2022) Political arrests of women under fascism: gender and the special tribunal in Italy 1026-1928, GeoJournal, 87:2, 749-764
Bauriedl, S. (2022) Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der deutschen Geographie, Berichte Geographie und Landeskunde, 95, 97-112
Ben-Lulu, Elazar (2022) Who has the right to the city? Reform Jewish rituals of gender-religious resistance in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:9, 1251-1273
Bharadwaj, Gargi and Upasana Mahanta (2022) Space, time and the female body: New Delhi on foot at night, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:9, 1209-1228
Bhattacharyya, R. (2021) Researching Street Sexual Harassment As a Public Health Problem in India.
SAGE Research Methods [Video]: Medicine and Health (case study). (preview link: health-issue-in-india)
Bhattacharyya, R. (2022) Conducting sensitive public health research in India [Video]. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity(tutorial video). (preview link: india?seq=4&fromsearch=true)
Bidar, Mina, Jahanshah Pakzad and Abbas Varij Kazemi (2022) Gendered space: Women's presence and use of space in Sabzeh-meydan of Tehran Bazaar, Cities, 126, 103673
Bilgin, Pinar (2022) The ‘Migrant Crisis in the Mediterranean’ as a Threat to Women’s Security in the EU? A Contrapuntal Reading, Geopolitics, 27:3, 737-790
Blanco, Masaya Llavaneras (2022) Intimate bordering: Intimacy, anti-blackness and gender violence in the making of the Dominican border, Political Geography, 99, 102743
Bonis-Profumo, Gianna, Domingas do Rosario Pereira, Julie Brimblecombe and Natasha Stacey (2022) Gender relations in livestock production and animal-source food acquisition and consumption among smallholders in rural Timor-Leste: A mixed-methods exploration, Journal of Rural Studies, 89, 222-234
Bonner-Thompson, Carl and Anoop Naya (2022) Crafting masculinities: embodying, recuperating and redistributing care in young lives, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:9, 1238-1256
Bordas, Julia Pascual and Maria Rodó-Zárate (2022) Gender, sexuality and home: Young non- heterosexual women and their experiences in domestic space rooms, Gender, Place and Culture
Boyer, Kate (2022) Sexual harassment and the right to everyday life, Progress in Human Geography, 46:2, 398-415
Braga Bizarria, Maria Teresa, Marcela Palomino-Schalscha and Polly Stupples (2022) Community gardens as feminist spaces: A more-than-gendered approach to their transformative potential, Geography Compass, 16:2, e12608
Brown, Gavin and Cesare Di Feliciantonio (2022) Geographies of PrEP, TasP and undetectability: Reconceptualising HIV assemblages to explore what else matters in the lives of gay and bisexual men, Dialogues in Human Geography, 12:1, 100-118
Buisson, Marie-Charlotte, Floriane Clement and Stephanie Leder (2022) Women’s empowerment and the will to change: Evidence from Nepal, Journal of Rural Studies, 94, 128-139
Cairns, Kate (2022) Caring about water in Camden, New Jersey: social reproduction against slow violence, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:10, 1423-1445
Calkin, Sydney (2022) Legal geographies of medication abortion in the USA, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47:2, 378-392
Camps-Calvet, Marta, Santiago Gorostiza and David Sauri (2022) Feeding the City and Making the Revolution: Women and Urban Agriculture in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War (1936– 1939), Antipode, 54:4, 1021-1042
Caretta, M. A., B, A. Rothrock and N. P. Zegre (2022) Exploring Climate Change Perspectives. An Analysis of Undergraduate Students’ Place-Based Attachment in Appalachia, USA, Rural Sociology, 87:3, 847–872
Caretta, M.A., A. Mukherji, M. Arfanuzzaman, R.A. Betts, A. Gelfan, Y. Hirabayashi, T.K. Lissner, J. Liu, E. Lopez Gunn, R. Morgan, S. Mwanga, and S. Supratid (2022) Water. In: D.C. Pörtner, M. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem and B. Rama (eds.) Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change H.-O. Cambridge University Press
Casaglia, Anna (2022) Pornography at the Border: Ethnosexual Borderscapes, Gendered Violence, and Embodied control, Geopolitics, 27:1, 185-205
Castiblanco, S. and J. Pineda (2021) Female empowerment and community-based productive associations: a systematic literature review, Acta Colombiana de Psicología
Castro, Amanda Motta, Cristiane Troina Ferreira and Raylene Barbosa Moreira (2021) Mulheres: Organização, Resistência e Sobrevivência na Catação de Material Reciclável, Revista Latino Americana De Geografia E Gênero, 12:2 (jul/dez), 19 – 38
Cavazzoni, Federica, Alec Fiorini, Hala Shoman, Marwan Diab and Guido Veronese (2022) The role of gender and living context in shaping Palestinian children’s agency and well-being, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:2, 222-247
Cawood, Sally and Rabby Md Fazle (2022) ‘People don’t like the ultra-poor like me’: and intersectional approach to gender and participation in urban water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in Dhaka’s bostis, International Development Planning Review, 44:2, 147- 168
Centner, Ryan and Manoel Pereira Neto (2021) Peril, privilege, and queer comforts: The nocturnal performative geographies of expatriate gay men in Dubai, Geoforum, 127, 92-103
Chan, Arun-Pina (2021) Micro-liminal spaces of (mis)gendering; Letters from queer geography classrooms, ACME, 20:5, 509-530
Chang, Ji-in, Jeongsun Choi, Hyunjin An and Hye-Young Chung (2022) Gendering the smart city: A case study of Sejong City, Korea, Cities, 120, 103422
Chennault, Carrie (2022) Relational Life: Lessons from Black Feminism on Whiteness and Engaging New Food Activism, Antipode, 54:2, 357-377
Chipango, Ellen Fungisai (2022 Between a rock and a hard place: Negotiating gender, forest laws and capabilities for fuelwood access in Zimbabwe, Geoforum, 132, 42-51
Chung, Wei-Yun (2022) Gendering distance, gendered housework: examining the gendered power dynamics through housework allocation in Taiwanese homes, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:11, 1594-1615
Clancy, Erin (2022) ‘I feel fat when I feel fat’: affective forces of trauma in anorexia and bulimia, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:3, 303-322
Cockayne, Daniel (2021) The feminist economic geographies of working from home and “digital by default” in Canada before, during, and after COVID-19, Canadian Geographer, 65:4, 499-511
Coen, Stephanie E. (2021) “Ok, gender! Where are you?!”: On the potential of catalytic validity in feminist geographies of everyday inequities, Area, 53:4, 699-707
Collins, Francis L. and Salene Schloffel-Armstrong (2022) The moral politics of emigration: gendered figures of migration and the anxiety of diasporic return, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:4, 502-520
Colom, Siri and Lydia Pelot-Hobbs (2022) Constructing the unruly public: governing affect & legitimate knowledge in post-Katrina New Orleans, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:9, 1317-1337
Cravey, Altha Jane (2022) Building collective power amidst white supremacist backlash, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:1, 130-142
Cunningham, Julie and Caroline Desbiens (2022) Journeying as an everyday act of resurgence: Anishnabe women’s stories of living and transcending gendered and racialized violence, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:6, 816-835
Cuomo, Dana (2021) Practising feminist politics in legal geographic research, Area, 53:4, 562-568
Dagkouli-Kyriakogloukouli, Myrto (2022) ‘When housing is provided, but you have only the closet’. Sexual orientation and family housing support in Athens, Greece, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:9, 1257-1274
Daher, Marianne, Antonia Rosati and Andrea Jaramillo (2022) Saving as a Path for Female Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Rural Peru, Progress in Development Studies, 22:1, 32-55
DasGupta, Debanuj, Rae Rosenberg, John Paul Catungal and Jen Jack Gieseking (2021) Pedagogies of queer and trans repair, ACME, 20:5, 491-508
Datta, Anindita (2022) Geography of Gender. In: S.C. Rai (ed.) Progress in Indian Geography: A Country Report, 2016-2022, The 34th The Extraordinary Centennial Congress, IGU, Paris, France. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 131-141
Datta, Ayona (2022) ‘Thick time’: Experiments with feminist urban futures in community podcasts, Geoforum, 134, 108-117
Datta, Ayona and Arya Thomas (2022) Curating #AanaJaana [#ComingGoing]: gendered authorship in the ‘contact zone’ of Delhi’s digital and urban margins, Cultural Geographies, 29:2, 233-252
Dávalos, Cristen and Sofia Zaragocín (2022) Island feminism meets feminist geopolitics: The spatial dynamics of gender- based violence in the Galapagos Islands, Area, 54:2, 313-321
Delicado-Moratalla, L. (2021) Extractivismo, expulsión y violencia patriarcal en la prostitución transnacional de nigerianas, Filanderas, Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios Feministas, 6, 7– 28
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) «El embarazo es una máquina, no una mujer» Deshumanización y sexismo misógino en el planteamiento favorable al 'trabajo gestacional’, Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, 10, 41–50
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) El sadismo sexual y el elogio a la violación en el imaginario y la práctica de las muñecas pornográficas. In: L. Nuño and L. Martínez (eds.) Debates teóricos sobre políticas de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Granada, Comares, 187-206
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) Entrevista a Sheila Jeffreys. «La humillación de las mujeres para la excitación de los hombres», Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas, 6:1, 247-261
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) La robot sexual y la pornografía: la ilusión del poder masculino y la fantasía de cosificar a las mujeres, Atlánticas, Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas, 6:1, 219-246
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) Los discursos y las prácticas de cosificación de las mujeres en la era de internet: las muñecas sexuales en el ciberespacio. In: T. Aránguez and O. Olariu (eds.) Feminismo Digital. Violencia contra las mujeres y brecha sexista en internet. Madrid, Dykinson, 486-503
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2021) Presentación del monográfico “Pornografía: una geografía sexual del poder”, Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas, 6:1, 1-14
Delicado-Moratalla, Lydia (2022) Las muñecas y las robots sexuales; Conceptualización y consideraciones para la agenda feminista. In: S. Reverter and A. Moliní Gimeno (eds.) La praxis feminista en clave transformadora. Castellón, Ágora Feminista, UJI, 373-386
Deniz, A. and E. M. Özgür (2022) Local, Institutional, or Transnational? Social Networks of Russian Marriage Migrants in Turkey, European Journal of Women's Studies, 292, 347-363
Devadoss, Christabel (2022) Monolith, the colonial face of landscape photography, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:1, 26-51
Diaz-Carrión, Isis Arlene and Paola Vizcaino (2022) Mexican women’s emotions to resist gender stereotypes in rural tourism work, Tourism Geographies, 24:2-3, 244-262
Dickin, S. and M. A. Caretta (2022) Examining water and gender narratives and realities, WIREs Water, 9:5, e1602
Doan, Petra and Lynda Johnston (2022) Introduction: Under, Beside and Beyond the Transgender Umbrella. In: P. Doan and L. Johnston (eds.) Rethinking Transgender Identities: Reflections from Across the Globe. London, Routledge
Doornbos, Julia and Ana Dragojlovic (2022) ‘The past should not affect the children’: intergenerational hauntings in the homes of Indo-European families, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8, 1141-1161
Doss, Cheryl R., Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Audrey Pereira and Rajendra Pradhan (2022) Women’s empowerment, extended families and male migration in Nepal: Insights from mixed methods analysis, Journal of Rural Studies, 90, 13-25
Earle-Brown, Harriet (2022) Homeless women don't wear Prada: The geographies of beauty standards and the bodies of homeless women, Geography Compass, 16:5, e12620
Eaves, LaToya E. (2021) The controversy of the twin pandemics; Feminist pedagogies and the urgency of the revolutionary praxis, ACME, 20:5, 562-568
Ecker Y., M. Rowek and A. Strüver (2021) Care on Demand: Geschlechternormierte Arbeits- und Raumstrukturen in der plattformbasierten Sorgearbeit. In: M. Altenried et al. (eds.) Plattformkapitalismus und die Krise der sozialen Reproduktion. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 112–129
England, Edith (2022) ‘This is how it works here’: the spatial deprioritisation of trans people within homelessness services in Wales, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:6, 836-857
Engle, Olivia (2022) Abortion mobilities, Geography Compass, 16:9, e12656
Enticott, Gareth, Kieran O’Mahony, Orla Shortall and Lee-Ann Sutherland (2022) ‘Natural born carers’? Reconstituting gender identity in the labour of calf care, Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 362-372
Erdreich, Lauren and Deborah Golden (2022) Scaffolding spatial literacy: Palestinian-Israeli mothers teach their children to read social relations in Israeli society/spaces, Cultural Geographies, 29:2, 253-267
Esson, James, Ebenezer F. Amankwaa and Peter Mensah (2021) Boys are tired! Youth, urban struggles, and retaliatory patriarchy, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:1, 193-207
Farhall, Kate, Meagan Tyler and Peter Fairbrother (2021) Labour and regional transition: sex- segregation, the absence of gender and the valorisation of masculinised employment in Gippsland, Australia, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:12, 1755-1777
Faria, Caroline V. and Jennifer L. Fluri (2022) Allure and the spatialities of nationalism, war and development: Towards a geography of beauty, Geography Compass, 16:9, e12652
Faria, Caroline, Dominica Whitesell, Kasfah Birungi, Annie Elledge, Jovah Katushabe and Catherine Kyotowadde (2022) Sequined Styles, Intersectional Moves: Let’s Dress Up!, Economic Geography, 98:3, 250-271
Farina, Leila, Kobe Boussauw and Anna Plyushteva (2022) Moving safely at night? Women’s nocturnal mobilities in Recife, Brazil and Brussels, Belgium, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:9, 1229-1250
Fathi, Mastoureh (2022) ‘My life is on hold’: examining home, belonging and temporality among migrant men in Ireland, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8, 1097-1120
Feminist Geography Collective FLOCK (2021) Making a zine, building a feminist collective; Ruptures I, Student visionaries, and racial justice at the University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill, ACME, 20:5, 531-561
Ferreira, Maria Mary and Neuzeli Maria de Almeida Pinto (2021) Mulheres, Classe Social e Violência de Gênero em Tempos de Pandemia, Revista Latino Americana De Geografia E Gênero, 12:2 (jul/dez), 130 – 145
Ferretti, Federico (2022) Parrhesia and female leadership: radical women in Brazilian geography against dictatorship and academic conservatism, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:4, 524-546
Finney, Sandrina De (2022) Rekinning the homeland: Rurality, gender-based genocide, and Indigenous sovereignty in colonial Canada, Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 475-481
G. Reed (eds.) Gender and the Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Rural and Resource Contexts of the Global North. New York, Routledge, 38-54
Gao, Quan and Peter Hopkins (2022) Using intersectionality to explore social inequalities amongst Christian family migrants in China, Geographical Journal, 188:2, 177-189
Gibb, Christine (2022) The evacuation camp as paradoxical space for women, Political Geography, 93, 102-546
Gibb, Christine (2022) The home-based postdoctoral mother in the neoliberal university, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:2, 248-272
Golabi, Maryam (2022) Aesthetics of invisibility in Iranian women’s identity and their domestic space during the 1980s, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:11, 1616-1638
Gomez, D. and J. Pineda (2021) Desarrollo económico local en clave de género. Repensando el Desarrollo Económico Local desde Colombia. Ediciones Uniandes, 55-83
Gorman, Cynthia S. and Bradley R. Wilson (2022) After the raid: feminist geolegality and the spaces of encounters in a US poultry town, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:4, 502-523
Gorman-Murray, Andrew, Corrinne Sullivan and Emilie Baganz (2022) Ageing, sexualities and place: Aligning the geographies of gerontology and sexualities, Geography Compass, 16:8, e12655
Grant, Ruby and Briohny Walker (2021) Place, belonging, and more-than-human community: a visual study of older lesbians in rural Tasmania, Australian Geographer, 52:4, 357-372
Griffiths, Mark and Andrew Brooks (2022) A Relational Comparison: The Gendered Effects of Cross- Border Work in Palestine within a Global Frame, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112:6, 1761-1776
Hall, Sarah Marie (2022) For feminist geographies of austerity, Progress in Human Geography, 46:2, 299-318
Hall, Suzanne, Henrietta Nyamnjoh and Lisa Rose Cirolia (2022) Apportioned city: Gendered delineations of asylum, work and violence in Cape Town, Environment and Planning D, 40:1, 3-20
Hamal, Pritee and Roy Huijsmans (2022) Making markets gendered: Kathmandu’s ride-sharing platforms through a gender lens, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 670-692
Hancock, Claire (2022) ‘Seeing like a city’, or ‘seeing like a state’ in a city? Paris, capital of femonationalism, Environment and Planning C, 40:1, 108-123
Hanke, William, Marcio Jose Ornat and Maria Rodó de Zárate (2022) Mapeando as Experiências Espaciais de Homens Cis Gays: Das Situações de Opressão ao Alívio, Revista Latino- Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:1, 28 – 51
Hartall, Gilly (2022) Touring and obscuring: how sensual, embodied and haptic gay touristic practices construct the geopolitics of pinkwashing, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:6, 836-854
Hawkins, Mike (2022) Liberty call at sunset: US military retiree bars and the outsourced reproduction of ageing masculinities in Subic Bay, Philippines, Cultural Geographies, 29:2, 219-232
Heinonen, Anna (2022) Friendship at home: everyday in domestic space shaping friendship intimacies in Finnish small-scale communes, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8, 1183-1203
Hetoevehotohke'e Lucchesi, Annita (2022) Mapping violence against indigenous women and girls; Beyond colonizing data and mapping practices, ACME 21: 4, 389-398
Hiller, Lotte J. (2022) Queer asylum politics of separation in Germany: homonationalist narratives of safety, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:6, 858-879
Horton, Amy (2022) Financialization and non-disposable women: Real-estate, debt and labout in UK care homes, Environment and Planning A, 54:1, 144-159
Ilova, Oana-Ramona (2022) Women’s Roles, Place Attachment and the Socialist Nation in Cutezătorii Magazine. Representations in Comics Featuring Romanian Communist Pioneers, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 13:9, 69-95
Jackman, Anna and Katherine Brickell (2022) ‘Everyday droning’: towards a feminist politics of the drone-home, Progress in Human Geography, 46:1, 156-178
Jakobsen, Malene H. (2021) Practical engagements in legal geography: Collaborative feminist approaches to immigration advocacy in Denmark, Area, 53:4, 595-602
Jawondo, Ibrahim A. and Roseline Oshewolo (2022) From empowerment to disempowerment: The changing role of women in the colonial agricultural economy of Okunland, Kogi State, Nigeria, GeoJournal, 87:3, 1861-1872
Junqueira, Telma Low Silva, Danielly Spósito, Cristina Azevedo and Mariana Tavares (2021) Desafios que Limitam e Fortalecem: Estratégias de Cuidado em uma Universidade Durante a Pandemia da Covid19, Revista Latino Americana De Geografia E Gênero, 12:2 (jul/dez), 74 – 92
Kallis, Gina, R. Yarwood and N. Tyrell (2022) Gender, spatiality and motherhood: intergenerational change in Greek-Cypriot migrant families in the UK, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:5, 697-714
Kelaita, Paul (2022) Tracks to gay elsewheres: cultural attachment and spatial imaginaries, Cultural Geographies, 29:4, 531-545
Kelly, Meghan (2021) Mapping bodies, designing feminist icons, GeoHumanities, 7:2, 529-557
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Thanh, Pham Tien and Pham Bao Duong (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic and the livelihood of a vulnerable population: Evidence from women street vendors in urban Vietnam, Cities, 130, 103879
Thompson, Samantha (2022) ‘Not your “poor dear”’: Practices and politics of care in women’s non- profit housing in Vancouver, Canada, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8, 1121-1140
Thomsen, Carly (2022) Animating and sustaining outrage: The place of crisis pregnancy centers in abortion justice, Human Geography, 15:3, 300-306
Thorpe, Holly, Nida Ahmad, Amy Marfell and Justin Richards (2022) Muslim women's sporting spatialities: navigating culture, religion and moving bodies in Aotearoa New Zealand, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:1, 52-79
Tiwari, Bhaskar et al. (2022) Spatial evaluation of pregnancy loss among child-bearing women in India, GeoJournal, 87:5, 3815-3826
Torrás Genís, Carme and Lydia Delicado-Moratalla (2022) Blanco y Frío como El Polo Norte y El Polo Sur: Seres Humanos y Robots, Sociology and Technoscience, 12:1, 257–275
Tran, Van Thanh, Duc-Anh An-Vo, Shahbaz Mushtaq and Geoff Cockfield (2022) Nuanced assessment of livelihood resilience through the intersectional lens of gender and ethnicity: Evidence from small-scale farming communities in the upland regions of Vietnam, Journal of Rural Studies, 92, 68-78
Truelove, Yaffa (2021) Gendered infrastructure and liminal space in Delhi’s unauthorized colonies, Environment and Planning D, 39:6, 1009-1025
Tsang, Eileen Y. H. (2022) A reflective review on gay and bisexual men in China, Dialogues in Human Geography, 12:1, 134-139
Tsarenko, Yelena, Angela Gracia B. Cruz, Elizabeth Snuggs and Dewi Tojib (2022) Institutional work by migrant women leaders in precarious spaces of volunteering in Melbourne, Australia, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 693-714
Tucker, Andrew (2022) Geographical interventions into debates regarding ‘men who have sex with men’ (MSM), Gender, Place & Culture, 29:7, 1031-1038
Turley, B. and M. A. Caretta (2022) Narrative and folklore as methodologies for studying emotions, embodiment, and water during the 2014 Elk River chemical spill in West Virginia. Social & Cultural Geography
Turra Neto, Nécio and Maria Celina Pedroso Alves (2022) Slam Quilombo de Dandara de Presidente Prudente SP: Um Território Insurgente e suas Práticas Educativas,.Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:1, 195– 222
Ulloa, Astrid and Sofia Zaragocin (2022) Diálogos sobre feminismos, ambientalismos y racismos desde las geografías feministas latinoamericanas, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 68:3, 481- 491
Vajjarapu, Harsha and Ashish Verma (2022) Understanding the mitigation potential of sustainable urban transport measures across income and gender groups, Journal of Transport Geography, 102, 103383
Vasconcelos, Ana Paula do Nascimento and Gabriel Augusto Coêlho de Santana (2022) Os Cinemões do Centro de Fortaleza (CE): Uma Leitura Sobre as Dissidências Sexuais e de Gênero na Produção do Espaço Urbano, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 13:1, 3 – 27
Vega, Rosalynn A. (2022) “Traditional Mexican Midwifery” tourism excludes indigenous “others” and threatens sustainability, Tourism Geographies, 24:1, 117-140
Vemuri, Ayesha (2022) Talk to me: towards a politics of transnational feminist solidarity, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:1, 1-25
Vercillo, Siera (2022) A feminist political ecology of farm resource entitlements in Northern Ghana, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:10, 1467-1496
Vlase, Ionela and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2022) Flexi(nse)curity in adult webcamming: Romanian women’s experiences selling digital sex services under platform capitalism, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 603-624
Volpe, Catherine Rita (2021) ‘High tide by boat, low tide we walk’: the everyday digital lives of girls in remote villages of Vanua Levu, Fiji, Children's Geographies, 19:6, 766-779
Vuckovic Juros, Tanja (2022) Sexualities and class in transnational family practices of LGB migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:2, 273-295
Waad, K. Ali and Bruce Newbold (2021) Gender, space, and precarious labour in Canada, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:5, 566-588
Waitt, Gordon (2022) Driving retirement: melancholic geographies of car immobility in an Australian suburban regional centre, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8, 1077-1096
Waitt, Gordon (2022) Sun-tanning with Deleuze and Guattari in greater Sydney, Australia, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:3, 419-439
Waitt, Gordon, Hayden Cahill and Ross Gordon (2022) Young men’s sports betting assemblages: masculinities, homosociality and risky places, Social and Cultural Geography, 23:3, 356-375
Waitt, Gordon, Ian Buchanan, Tess Lea and Glen Fuller (2021) Embodied spatial mobility (in)justice: Cycling refrains and pedalling geographies of men, masculinities, and love, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:4, 917-928
Walby, Kevin and Anna Louise Evans-Boudreau (2022) Gender and edgework paradoxes in tree- planting in Canada, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:5, 715-735
Wani, Manzoor A., Dayem M. Wani and Ishtiaq A. Mayer (2022) Geographical distribution of violence against women in Jammu and Kashmir, India, GeoJournal, 87:5, 3555-3574
Warnock, Rosalie, Faith McNeil Taylor and Amy Norton (2022) Should we pay research participants? Feminist political economy for ethical practices in precarious times Area, 54:2, 195-202
Wigley, Edward and Vevila R. C. Dornelles (2022) Blue is for boys: postfeminist continuations of gender, body and hue in UK magazines, 2009–2018, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:3, 345-371 gender, body and hue in UK magazines, 2009–2018, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:3, 345-371
Wimark, Thomas and Fernanda Fortes da Lena (2022) Same-sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap—A revised understanding of the spatial distribution of gay men and lesbians, Population, Space and Place, 28:2, e2507
Wintzer, Jeannine and Maaret Jokela-Pansini (2022) Practicing Diversity in Higher Education in Geography: Exploring Spaces of Diversity and Their Barriers in a Geography Department in Switzerland, The Professional Geographer
Wrigley-Asante, Charlotte, George Owusu, Jane B. Amu and Tracy S. Commodore (2022) Crime and safety in urban public spaces: Experiences of Ghanaian women traders in the Makola market in Accra, Ghana, Geographical Journal, 188:1, 76-90
Xie, Fangting, Shaoquan Liu and Dingde Xu (2022) Gender difference in time-use of off-farm employment in rural Sichuan, China, Journal of Rural Studies, 93, 487-495
Ye, Shana (2021) ‘Paris’ and ‘scar’: queer social reproduction, homonormative division of labour and HIV/AIDS economy in postsocialist China, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:12, 1778-1798
Yocie Hierofani, Patricia (2021) Productive and deferential bodies: the experiences of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:12, 1738-1754
Young, Julie E. E. (2022) The border as archive: reframing the crisis mode of governance at the Canada-US border, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:4, 568-588
Yuan, Huasheng (2022) Proximity, embeddedness and evolution: The role of networks in the development of the informal female labour market for glove manufacturing in Gaozhou county, China, Journal of Rural Studies, 93, 244-253
Yuchen, Han (2021) Bargaining with patriarchy: returned dagongmei's (factory girls') gendered spaces in neoliberalizing China's hinterland, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:12, 1673-1694
Zielke, Julia (2022) Dwelling activism: making the personal political in the English home through a feminist dwelling lens, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:8
Ziem Bonye, Samuel (2022) Can I own land in my matrimonial home? A gender analysis of access to and ownership of agricultural land in Northern Ghana, Ghana, GeoJournal, 87:4, 2685-97
Zweig, Patricia (2021) Exploring men’s vulnerability in the global South: Methodological reflections. Area, 53:4, 718-726
Publications 2021
ACME (2021, 20:3) published a special issue on “Moral Economies”, edited by Karine Duplan, Marylène Lieber and Camille Schmoll
Environment and Planning C Politics and Space (39:1, 2021) published a special section on “Sexual(ities that) progress”, edited by Kath Browne, Jason Lim, Joseph Hall and Nick McGlynn
Environment and Planning D Society and Space (39:1, 2021) published a special section titled “Black feminism and settler colonialism roundtable”
Feministische Geo-RundMail (2021, 85 ) published a special issue on “feministische digitale Geographien” [feminist digital geographies]
Feministische Geo-RundMail (2021, 86) published a special issue on “Corona, care und collectives”, edited by Anne Vogelpohl and Sandra Antelmann
Gender, Place & Culture (2021, 28:2) published a special section on “Revisiting the epistemic terrains of gender, sex, and empowerment”, edited by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Richa Nagar, Amanda Gilbertson, Ahonaa Roy and Annie McCarthy
Gender, Place & Culture (2021, 28:6) published a themed issue on “Masculinities in Africa beyond Crisis: Complexity, Fluidity, and Intersectionality”, edited by Carole Amman and Sandra Staudacher
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (112:2, 2021) published a special issue on “Everyday places of intersectionalities”, edited by Maarten Loopmans, Gavin Brown and Valerie de Craene
Urban Studies (58:7, 2021) published a special issue on “Placing LGBTQ+ urban activisms”, edited by Alison L. Bain and Julia A. Podmore
Aulenbacher, Brigitte, Helma Lutz and Karin Schwiter (Eds.) (2021) Gute Sorge ohne gute Arbeit? Live-in Care in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz [Good care without good labour? Live-in care in Germany, Austria and Switzerland]. Weinheim/Basel, Beltz Juventa
Banerjee, Riva and Gopa Samanta (2021)Negotiating Terrain in Local Governance: Freedom, Functioning and Barriers of Women Councillors in India. Springer.
Datta, Anindita (2021) Gender Space and Agency in India, Exploring Regional Genderscapes. Routledge
Fenster, Tovi (2021) Archaeology of the Address: Home, History and Possession in the Israeli- Palestinian City. Haifa, Pardes Publishers
Kinyanjui, Mary Njeri (2021) Wanjiku in global development. Everyday ordinary women livelihood economy in Kenya. Nairobi, Nsemia
Moreno, Magdalena and Cecilia Mastrolorenzo (2021) Geografía y educación sexual integral. Aportes para la enseñanza de los espacios contemporáneos [Geography and Comprehensive Sexual Education. Contributions to the teaching of contemporary spaces].
Peake, L., .E. Koleth, G.S. Tanyildiz, R.N. Narayanareddy and D. Patrick (eds.) (2021) A feminist urban theory for our time: rethinking social reproduction and the urban. Antipode Book Series. London, Wiley Press
Vaiou, Dina (2021) The invisible work of women in the making of the city. Facets of Athens after 1974. Athens, Alexandria publ. (in Greek)
Vázquez, Georgiane Garabely Heil, and Joseli Maria Silva. Vivências de mulheres no tempo e espaço da pandemia de Covid-19. [Experiences of women in time and space during the Covid-19 pandemic: Transnational Perspectives], (in Portuguese and Spanish)
Adeniyi Ogunyankin, G. and L. Peake (2021) The Importance of a Gendered Analysis of COVID-19. In G.J. Andrews, V. Crooks and J. Pearce (eds.) COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Geographical Perspectives, Issues and Agendas. Springer
Al-Saleh, Danya and Elsa Noterman (2021) Organizing for collective feminist killjoy geographies in a US university, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:4, 453-474
Arthur-Homes, Frances (2021) Gendered division of labour and “sympathy” in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Prestea-Huni Valley Municipality, Ghana, Journal of Rural Studies, 81, 358-362
Azmi, Fazeeha, Ragnhild Lund, Nitya Rao and R. Manimohan (2021) Well-being and mobility of female-heads of households in a fishing village in South India, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:5, 627-648
Azong, Matilda N. and Clare J. Kelso (2021) Gender, ethnicity and vulnerability to climate change: The case of matrilineal and patrilineal societies in
Bamenda Highlands Region, Cameroon, Global Environmental Change, 67, 102241
Bain, Alison L. and Julie A. Podmore (2021) More-than-safety: co-creating resourcefulness and conviviality in suburban LGBTQ2S youth out-of-school spaces, Children’s Geographies, 19:2, 131-144
Bhattacharyya, Rituparna (2021) Pierre Bourdieu’s Symbolic Violence: Scripting Gender among Assamese Middle-Class Women in Higher Education. In Anindita Dutta (ed.) Gender, Space and Agency in India: Exploring Regional Genderscapes. London, Routledge, 15-33
Bhattacharyya, Rituparna (2021) Sarah Everard & Nirbhaya: Comparisons and Commonalities, Space and Culture, India, 8:4, 1-6
Blue, Sarah A. (2021) Gendered constraints on a strategy of regional mobility: Latino/a migration to post-Katrina New Orleans, Area, 53:1, 175-182
Bonner-Thompson, Carl and Linda McDowell (2021) Digital geographies of austerity: Young men’s material, affective and everyday relationship with the digital, Geoforum, 120, 113-121
Boyden, Jo, Catherine Porter and Ina Zharkevich (2021) Balancing school and work with new opportunities: changes in children’s gendered time use in Ethiopia (2006-2013), Children’s Geographies, 19:1, 74-87
Breetzke, Gregory D., Inger Fabris-Rotelli, Jacob Modiba and Ian S. Edelstein (2021) The proximity of sexual violence to schools: evidence from a township in South Africa, Geojournal, 86:2, 765-776
Brigden, Noelle K. (2021) From La Monjita to La Hormiga: Reflections on gender, body and power in fieldwork, Geopolitics, 26:1, 118-138
Ahamed, Tofael, Ryozo Noguchi, Nazia Muhsin, Riska Ayu Purnamasari, Md. Ariful Islam, Farhat Tasnim, Md. Zamirul Islam, Md. Fakrul Islam and Wardatul Akmam (2021) Sustainable agricultural development: a micro-level GIS-based study on women’s perceptions of environmental protection and entrepreneurship in Japan and Bangladesh, GeoJournal, 86:5, 2071-2103
Al-Garawi, Najah and Maria Kamargianni (2021) Women’s modal switching behavior since driving is allowed in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103192
Ambjðrnsson, Emmeline Laszlo (2021) Performing female masculinities and negotiating femininities: challenging gender hegemonies in Swedish forestry through women’s networks, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1584-1605
Andersson Djurfeldt, Agnes (2021) Translocal livelihood research and the household in the Global South – A gendered perspective, Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 16-23
Antonello, Ideni Terezinha, Ariel Pereira da Silva Oliveira and Léia Aparecida Veiga (2021) La perspectiva de género em la construcción de una ciudad inclusiva: La inserción de las mujeres en el planeamiento urbano de Londrina, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 160 – 185
Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís and Berglind Rós Magnúsdottir (2021) Even in Iceland? Exploring mothers’ narratives on neighbourhood choice in a perceived classless and feminist utopia, Children’s Geographies, 19:4, 62-474
Aufenvenne, Philipp, Christian Haase, Franziska Meixner and Malte Steinbrink (2021) Participation and communication behaviour at academic conferences – an empirical gender study at the German Congress of Geography 2019, Geoforum, 126, 192-204
Bach, Nguyen (2021) Regional informal institutions, local governance and gendered entrepreneurship, Regional Studies, 55:7, 1169-1181
Barsoum, Ghada (2021) From fishers wives to fish vendors: Gendered livelihood transitions in a fishing village in Egypt, Journal of Rural Studies, 88, 117-125
Baylina, Mireia (2021) Una mirada crítica des del gènere al repoblament rural post-covid”. In: Jesús Burgueño (ed.) La nova geografia de Catalunya post-covid. Barcelona, Societat Catalana de Geografia, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 59-160
Ben-Asher, Smadar and Ya’arit Bokek-Cohen (2021) Commemoration labor as emotional labor: The emotional costs of being an Israeli militarized national widow, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:8, 455-475
Bieler, Andreas and Adam David Morton (2021) Is capitalism structurally indifferent to gender?: Routes to a value theory of reproductive labour, Environment and Planning A, 53:7, 1749-1769
Bigon, Liora and Dorcas Zuvalinyenga (2021) Urban pulse - Gendered urban toponyms in the global South: a time for de-colonization? Urban Geography, 42:2, 226-239
Binoy, Parvathi (2021) Pollution governance in time of disasters: Testimonials of caste/d women and the politics of knowledge in Kathikudam, Kerala, Geoforum, 124, 175-184
Bonner-Thompson, Carl, Graeme William Mearns and Peter Hopkins (2021) Transgender negotiations of precarity: Contested spaces of higher education, Geographical Journal, 187:3, 227-239
Boussalem, Alessandro (2021) In, out, or somewhere else entirely: Going beyond binary constructions of the closet in the lives of LGBTQ people
Bradley, Tamsin, Zara Martin and Rajni Pairiwala (2021) Conceptualizing subjectivities and rationalities in understanding gendered violence: Processes of social and cultural change, Progress in Development Studies, 21:2, 181-195
Brice, Sage (2021) Trans Subjectifications: Drawing an (im)personal politics of gender, fashion, and style, GeoHumanities, 7:1, 301-327
Browne, Kath, Gavin Brown and Catherine J. Nash (2021) Geography and sexuality II: Homonormativity and heteroactivism, Progress in Human Geography, 45:5, 1320-1328
Burchell, Brandan, Darja Reuschke and Mary Zhang (2021) Spatial and temporal segmenting of urban workplaces: The gendering of multi-locational working, Urban Studies, 58:11, 2207-2232
Cahuas, Madelaine C. (2021) Reaching for El Mundo Zurdo: Imagining creating-living Latinx decolonial feminist geographies in Toronto, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 605-625
Canoy, Nico A. (2021) Towards an embodied political ecology of fat masculinities, Geoforum, 125, 188-191
Caretta, M. A., E. Carlson, R. Hood, and B. Turley (2021) From a rural idyll to an industrial site: An analysis of hydraulic fracturing energy sprawl in Central Appalachia, Journal of Land Use Science
Caretta, M.A. and B. Rothrock (2021) Water and gender. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
Castrillón, Ovi-Laura Oviedo (2021) Espacialidades de hombres trans Youtubers: Acercamiento a sus condiciones en la pandemia del Covid-19, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 279 – 290
Cely-Santos, Marcela and Olga Lucía Hernández-Manrique (2021) Fighting change: Interactive pressures, gender, and livelihood transformations in a contested region of the Colombian Caribbean, Geoforum, 125, 9-24
Chaudhari, Tanya (2021) Engels’ ‘proletarization’ and ‘great towns’ vis-á-vis dispossession, and gendered work in an informal economy, Human Geography, 14:2, 212-226
Collins, Eric (2021) Of crowded histories and urban theory: A feminist critique of temporal closure and patrimonial claims to the urban, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45:4, 612-629
Colombelli, Alessandra, Elena Grinza, Valentina Meliciani and Mariacristina Rossi (2021) Pulling effects in immigrant entrepreneurship: Does gender matter? Economic Geography, 97:1, 1-33
Constable, Nicole (2021) Migrant mothers, rejected refugees and excluded belonging in Hong Kong, Population, Space and Place, 27:5, e2475
Cook, Nancy and David Butz (2021) ‘The road changes everything’: Shifting gendered mobilities, spaces and subjectivities in Shimshal, Pakistan, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:10, 800-822
Cruickshank, Marnie (2021) Smashed avocado: A property market advice manual for millennial women, Australian Geographer, 52:2, 209-223
Cui, Junri, Can Cui, Richard Ronald, Shan Yu and Xueying Mu (2021) The dynamics of gender in the intergenerational transmission of homeownership: A case study of young couples in Shanghai, Population, Space and Place, 27:6, e2428
Daskalaki, Maria, Marianna Fotaki and Maria Simosi (2021) The gendered impact of the financial crisis: Struggles over social reproduction in Greece, Environment and Planning A, 53:4, 741-762
Datta, Anindita (2021) Gender, urban spaces and gendered resistances: Towards inclusive and fear free cities in India. In: M.N. Jaglan and Rajeshwari (eds.) Reflections on 21st century human habitats in India. Advances in 21st century human settlements. Singapore, Springer
Davis, Khyree D. (2021) Transnational blackness at Toronto Pride: Queer disruption as theory and method, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1541-1560
Desai, Vandana (2021) Urban widows: Living and negotiating gendered dispossession in speculative slum housing markets in Mumbai, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:10, 779-799
Dunne, Chloe, Christie Siettou and Paul Wilson (2021) Investigating the economic visibility and contribution of UK women in agriculture through systematic review of international literature, Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 330-345
Faria, C., M.A. Caretta. E. Dever and S. Nimoh (2021) Care in/through the archives: Postcolonial intersectional moves in feminist geographic research, Emotion, Space and Society, 39, 100768
Farnam, Maria and Farah Ghaderi (2021) Merritt-Hawkes’ becoming Persian in Persia: Romance and reality, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 1040-1057
Fernandez-Gimenez, Maria E., Elisa Oteros-Rozas and Federica Ravera (2021) Spanish women pastoralists’ pathways into livestock management: Motivations, challenges and learning, Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 1-11
Franquelli, Laura Victoria (2021) Territorialidades ausentes, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 264 – 278
Garcia Ramon, Maria Dolors (2021) La introducció del enfocament de genere a la geografia catalana. In: Societat Catalana de Geografia (ed.) La nova geografia de Catalunya post-covid. Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalana, 94
Gay-Antaki, Miriam (2021) Grounding climate governance through women’s stories in Oaxaca, Mexico, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 626-649
Grant, Ruby (2021) Not going to the mainland: Queer women’s narratives of place in Tasmania, Australia, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:8, 522-542
Gutiérrez-Zamora, Violeta (2021) The coloniality of neoliberal biopolitics: Mainstreaming gender in community forestry in Oaxaca, Mexico, Geoforum, 126, 139-149
Hassan, Neil R. and Andrew Tucker (2021) “We have to create our own community”: Addressing HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the neuropolis, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:3, 598-611
Higuera-Mendieta, Diana, Pablo Andrés Uriza, Sergio A. Cabrales, Andrés L. Medaglia, Luis A. Guzman and Olga L. Sarmiento (2021) Is the built-environment at origin, on route, and at destination associated with bicycle commuting? A gender-informed approach, Journal of Transport Geography, 94, 103121
Huizinga, Rik P. and Bettina van Hoven (2021) Hegemonic masculinities after forced migration: Exploring relational performances of Syrian refugee men in The Netherlands, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:8, 543-565
Imburgia, Laura, Henny Osbahr, Sarah Cardey and Janet Momsen (2021) Irrigation in agriculture: A driver of social differentiation and an empowering livelihood option for rural women, WH20: The Journal of Gender and Water, 8:1, 27-39
Jiang, Xinhui, Busra Soylemez-Karakoc and Maryam Hussain (2021) A new generation of ‘incorporated wife’? Making sense of international students’ spouses in the US, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 933-954
Kahsay, Goytom Abraha, Anna Nordén and Erwin Bulte (2021) Women participation in formal decision-making: Empirical evidence from participatory forest management in Ethiopia, Global Environmental Change, 70, 102363
Kale, Amber and Sara Kindon (2021) Gender, (im)mobility and citizenship in a refugee women’s driving programme: exploring emotional citizenry in Aotearoa New Zealand, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:10, 864-884
Kale, A., S. Kindon and P. Stupples (2021) ‘I am a New Zealand citizen now - This is my home’: Refugee citizenship and belonging in a post-colonizing country, Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:3, 577-598
Karpestam, Peter and Peter Gladoić Håkansson (2021) Rural boys, urban girls? The mystery of diminishing urban-rural gender gap in Sweden, Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 282-297
Kilty, Jennifer M. (2021) ‘I just wanted them to see me’: Intersectional stigma and the health consequences of segregating Black, HIV+ transwomen in prison in the US state of Georgia, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 1019-1039
Kim, Elena and Frank G. Karioris (2021) Bound to be grooms: The imbrication of economy, ecology, and bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1627-1648
Kindon, S. and M. Zonjic (2021) Participatory video. In: D. Richardson (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the earth, environment and technology. Washington, American Association of Geographers and Wiley-Blackwell
Kindon, S., K. Guiloff, X. Riquelme, F. Piraud, M. Palomino-Schalscha, C. Batista, K. Cisternas, M. Marquez de Satyanand, N. Batista, M. Bernal and I. Marquez with M. Angermann (2021) Arpilleras as participatory research. In: D. Burns, J. Howard and S. Ospina (eds.) The Sage handbook of participatory research and inquiry. London, Sage, 713-729
Kindon, S. (2021) Participatory action research. In: I. Hay and M. Cope (eds.) Qualitative research methods in human geography, 5th Edition. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 309-329
Kirby, Philip (2021) Geography and film music: Musicology, gender, and the spatiality of instrumental music, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:3, 570-583
Kohl, Ellen (2021) ‘Some we’s weren’t part of it’: Intersectional politics of belonging in U.S. environmental justice activism, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1606-1626
Koleth, E and C. Temenos (2021) ‘Let them sing!’ The paradoxes of gender mainstreaming in urban policy and urban scholarship, Urban Geography
Kook, Rebecca B. and Ayelet Harel-Shalev (2021) Patriarchal norms, practices and changing gendered power relations - Narratives of ultra-orthodox women in Israel, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 975-998
Krishnan, Sneha (2021) Where do good girls have sex? Space, risk and respectability in Chennai, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 999-1018
Kukreja, Reena (2021) Recouping masculinity: The links between macho masculinity and self-exploitation among undocumented South Asian male migrants in Greece, Geoforum, 122, 164-173
Langill, Jennifer C. (2021) The co-production of gendered livelihoods and seasonal livelihoods in the floodplains of the Peruvian Amazon, Gender,
Place & Culture, 28:8, 498-521
Leite, Maiara Sanches, Valéria Zanetti and Maria Angélica Toniolo (2021) As contradições entre os espaços permitidos e negados aos LGBTQIA+ na cidade de São Paulo, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 54 – 71
Lemos, Kaio (2021) No candomblé, quem é homem e quem não é? Práticas discursivas de homens trans, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 341 – 367
Linn, Sarah (2021) Solicited diary methods with urban refugee women: Ethical and practical considerations, Area, 53:3, 454-463
Lobo, M. and S. Kindon (2021) (eds.) Entangled bodies and 2021 visual ethnographies: Encounters in more-than-human worlds, Area, 53:2, 198-239
Lupien, Pascal (2021) Women and participatory mechanisms in Latin America: Deepening democracy or more of the same?, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 650-677
Madhavan, Sangeetha, Shelley Clark and Sara Schmidt (2021) Single mothers coping with food insecurity in a Nairobi slum, Urban Studies, 58:13, 2703-2720
Manner, Jillian, Lawrence Doi and Yvonne Laird (2021) ‘That’s given me a bit more hope’ – Adolescent girls’ experiences of Forest School, Children's Geographies, 19:4, 432-445
Marcén, Miriam and Marina Morales (2021) Culture and the cross-country differences in the gender commuting gap, Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103184
March, Loren (2021) Queer and trans* geographies of liminality: A literature review. Progress in Human Geography, 45:3, 455-471
Margalit, Talia (2021) A significant silence: Single mothers and the current Israeli housing discourse, Geoforum, 122,129-139
Markwei, Ummu and Peace Mamle Tetteh (2021) Unpacking the ethics of access and safety of participants and researchers of child sexual abuse in Ghana, Children’s Geographies, 19:4, 379-389
Marques, Ana Carolina dos Santos (2021) Jovens mulheres na cultura Hip Hop de Londrina (PR): Interpretações a partir de relief maps, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 207 – 229
Massé, Francis, Nicia Givá and Elizabeth Lunstrum (2021) A feminist political ecology of wildlife crime: The gendered dimensions of a poaching economy and its impacts in Southern Africa, Geoforum, 126, 205-214
McCubbin, Sandra G. and Lauren E. Van Patter (2021) Trophy hunters & crazy cat ladies: Exploring cats and conservation in North America and Southern Africa through intersectionality, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 719-742
McGregor, Sheila Margaret (2021) Engels on women, the family, class and gender, Human Geography, 14:2, 186-197
Mehta, Lyla and Wendy Harcourt (2021) Beyond limits and scarcity: Feminist and decolonial contributions to degrowth, Journal of Political Geography, 89, 102411
Merino, Romi Rodriguez (2021) Soy un hombre transexual, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 368 – 379
Minto, Rachel and Alison Parken (2021) The European Union and regional gender equality agendas: Wales in the shadow of Brexit, Regional Studies, 55:9, 1550-1560
Mok, King Him and Hung Chak Ho (2021) Finding a home away from home: An explorative study on the use of social space with the voices of foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(5), 1403-1419
Momsen, Janet (2021) Gender and development policy. Chapter 14 in: Habib Zafarullah (ed.) The handbook of development policy. Edward Elgar, 170-179
Mott, Carrie and Daniel Cockayne (2021) Understanding how hatred persists: Situating digital harassment in the long history of white supremacy, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1521-1540
Nash, Catherine J., Andrew Gorman-Murray and Kath Browne (2021) Geographies of intransigence: Freedom of speech and heteroactivist resistances in Canada, Great Britain and Australia, Social & Cultural Geography, 22:7, 979-999
Nath, Toma Deb and Dusit Athinuat (2021) Key factors of women empowerment in organic farming, GeoJournal, 86:6, 2501-2520
Neves, Christopher Smith Bignardi, Marcelo Chemin and Luis Ernesto Brambatti (2021) De gueto a destino turístico urbano: Um estudo da (Amsterdam, Holanda) no contexto LGBTQ+, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 72 – 96
Ogunyankin, Adeniyi G. and L. Peake (2021) The importance of a gendered analysis of COVID-19. In: G.J. Andrews, V. Crooks and J. Pearce (eds.) COVID-19 and similar futures: Geographical perspectives, issues and agendas. Springer Press
Ogunyankin, Adeniyi G. and L. Peake (2021) Tiwa’s morning. In: C. McFarlane and M. Lancione (eds.) The handbook of global urbanism: Essays on the city and its future. London, Routledge, 116-123
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Ortiz, Anna and Mireia Baylina (2021) Tesis en geografía y género en España: 30 años de investigación feminista, Boletín de la Asociación de Geografía Española, 90, 1-41
Panchang, Sarita Vijay (2021) Beyond toilet decisions: Tracing sanitary journeys among women in informal housing in India, Geoforum, 124, 10-19
Pena, João Soares (2021) Prostitution and the city’s image of Amsterdam, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 97 – 128
Peters, Elise, Jolanda Maas, Carlo Schuengel and Dieuwke Hovinga (2021) Making women’s shelters more conducive to family life: Professionals’ exploration of the benefits of nature, Children's Geographies, 19:4, 475-487
Petrova, Saska and Neil Simcock (2021) Gender and energy: Domestic inequities reconsidered, Social & Cultural Geography, 22:6, 849-867
Phillips, Jon and Saska Petrova (2021) The materiality of precarity: Gender, race and energy infrastructure in urban South Africa, Environment and Planning A, 53:5, 1031-1050
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Porter, G., E. Murphy, F. Adamu, P. Daniel, A. De Lannoy, S. Han, H. Mansour, C. Dungey, H. Ahmad, B. Maskiti, S. Clark and K. Van der Weide (2021) Women's mobility and transport in the peripheries of three African cities: Reflecting on early impacts of COVID-19, Journal of Transport Policy, 110, 181-190
Porter, Libby, Ceridwen Spark and Lisa De Kleyn (2021) Navigating the neighbourhood: Gender, place and agency in children’s mobility, Children’s Geographies, 19:3, 339-350
Prats, Maria, Mireia Baylina and Anna Ortiz (2021) Children and families coping with austerity in Catalonia. In: Sarah Marie Hall, Helena Pimlott-Wilson and John Horton (eds.) Austerity across Europe. Lived experiences of economic crisis. London, Routledge, 55-68
Ramalho, Jordana (2021) Hope, home and insecurity: Gendered labour of resilience among the urban poor of Metro Cebu, the Phillippines, Environment and Planning D Society and Space, 39:5, 844-862 Raynor, Ruth (2021) Hopes multiplied amidst decline: Understanding gendered precarity in times of austerity, Environment and Planning D Society and Space, 39:3, 553-570
Razavi, N. (2021) Women in Cities: The Nexus between SDG 5 & SDG 11. In: The Encyclopedia of UN Sustainable Development Goals, July 2021. Springer, 1159-1168
Riaño, Yvonne (2021) Understanding brain waste: Unequal opportunities for skills development between highly skilled women and men, migrants and nonmigrants, Population, Space and Place, 27:5, e2456
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Riley, Mark (2021) In the autumn of their lives: Exploring the geographies and rhythms of old(er) age masculinities, Transactions of the British Institute of Geographers, 46:2, 435-448
Rishworth, Andrea and Brian King (2021) ‘There is a secret in love’: Gender, care and HIV management in South Africa, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1561-1583
Rodriguez-Modroño, Paula (2021) Non-standard work in unconventional workspaces: Self-employed women in home-based businesses and coworking spaces, Urban Studies, 58:11, 2258-2275
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Salo, Umma-Saija (2021) Forest as a specific place for girls and their green criticism, Children’s Geographies, 19:4, 407-418
Santos, Adelaine Ellis Carbonar dos and Marcio Jose Ornat (2021) Espaço-corpo e a (re)elaboração das transmasculinidades e identidades de homens trans, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero 12:1, 3 – 33
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Santos, Henrique Cintra (2021) Queer sites in global contexts: Technologies, spaces, and otherness, de regner ramos, Sharif Mowlabocus”. Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 251 – 258
Sapp Moore, Sophie (2021) Between the state and the yard: Gender and political space in Haiti, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 698-718
Sato, Nadia Rafaela dos Santos, Rubia Carla Formighieri Giordani, Camila Muhl and Claudia Choma Bettega Almeida (2021) Care itineraries, social support and the experience of breastfeeding, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 129 – 159
Segovia Chinga, Tarut (2021) Being a Chilean copper union leader: Between social struggle and loyalty to machismo, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 678-697
Shahvisi, Arianne (2021) Beyond orientalism: Exploring the distinctive feminism of democratic confederalism in Rojava, Geopolitics, 26:4, 998-1022
Sharp, Jo (2021) Materials, forensics and feminist geopolitics, Progress in Human Geography, 45:5, 990-1002
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Silva, Joseli Maria and Marcio Jose Ornat (2021) Geographies of the body, love and desire: An interview with Lynda Johnston, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 230 – 245
Simon, Carolina Russo (2021) Dororidade, de Vilma Piedade, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 246 – 250
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Soltani, A., L. Johnston and R. Longhurst (2021) Fashioning Muslim women’s veiled embodied geographies in Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand: #hijabi spaces. Gender, Place and Culture
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Torres, Martin, Amanda San-Martin and Facundo Ríos (2021) El espacio virtual como un acto subversivo en la transmasculinidad, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero 12:1, 318 – 340
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Tsang, Eileen Y.H. (2021) Transformative emotional labour, cosmetic surgery, and masculinity: Rural/urban migration in China's gay commercial sex industry, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 42:3, 469-483
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Publications 2006
Publications 2013
HAGAR - Studies in Culture, Polities and Identities Volume 11 Number 1 2013 Special Issue on Bridging Gendered Diversity in a Globalizing World, eds. Orna Blumen, Tovi Fenster and Chen Misgav include papers presented at the Commission on Gender and Geography conference 8-10 July 2010 in Jerusalem with articles of Orna Blumen, Tovi Fenster and Chen Misgav, Lynda Johnston and Robyn Longhurst, Elena Vacchelli, Tovi Fenster, Joos Droogleever Fortuijn and Frans Thissen, Mònica Carbó, Mireia Baylina and Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Robyn Longhurst, Sharon Halevi and Fruma Zachs, and Keichi Kumagai
Publications 2011
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education Vol. 20 (3) August 2011 has a special issue entitled: “Perspectives on teaching geography and gender in a postsocialist, neo-liberal dominated world” guest edited by Janice Monk which include papers presented at the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography meeting in Szeged, Hungary and Timisoara, Romania, May 2009 with articles of Janice Monk, Joos Droogleever Fortuijn, Robyn Longhurst, Maria-Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Sorina Voiculescu and Tovi Fenster.
Annals of West University of Timisoara, Series GEOGRAPHY, Vol XIX has a special issue dedicated to "(Re)thinking gender, post-socialism and neo-liberalism: an introduction,edited by Sorina Voiculescu and Robyn Longhurst which include papers presented at the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography meeting in Szeged, Hungary and Timisoara, Romania, May 2009 with contributions of Sebastian Jucu, Éva G. Feteke, Antònia Casellas, Marte Pallares-Blanch and Antoni F. Tulla, Madhushree Das and Harendra Nath Sharma, Parijat Borgohain and Harendra Nath Sharma, Matej Blazek and Fiona M. Smith, Margareta Lelea, Lajos Olasz, Szóró Ilona, and Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Anna Ortiz and Hermínia Pujol; (issue available
Silva, Joseli Maria and Augusto, Cesar Pinheiro da Silva (2011) (editors) Espaço, gênero e poder: conectando fronteiras. Todapalavra Editora (edited collection of conference papers presented at the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8-10 November 2011– published in Portuguese).
Publications 2009
Geographica Helvetica 2009 (1) has a special issue entitled: “Public spaces and social diversity” guest edited by Elisabeth Buehler which include selected papers presented at the IGU Commission Gende and Geography Seminar in Zurich, June 2007. Papers of Elisabeth Buehler and Heidi Kasper, Dina Vaiou and Ares Kalandides, Frank Ostermann and Sabine Timpf, Joos Droogleever Fortuijn, and LaDona Knigge deal with the gendered nature of urban public spaces: planning and design, use and appropriation of space, everyday practices, observations as a teaching tool, and intersections between public and private.
The Journal of Geographical Science 57 (Taiwan) on ‘Asian Women: Gender, Migration and Work’ edited by Chiang, Nora and Monk, Janice with papers presented at the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography meeting in Taipei, November 2007.
Publications 2008
Activity Report 2004-2008 IGU Commission on Gender and Geography: see below.
Monk, Janice (2008) 'Connecting people, places and ideas: reflections on the history of the International Geographical Union Commission on Gender and Geography": see below.
The report on the Geography of Gender in India: see below.
Publications 2007
Belgeo 2007 (3) has a special issue entitled: “Feminist geographies around the world” guest edited by Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon and Janice Monk which include selected papers presented at the International Seminar in Barcelona on February 2006. This special issue features papers that address the varying ways in which feminist geography has developed in an array of countries reflecting the contextualization of knowledge.
Özgüç, Nazmiye (2007) "Gender Representation in Academic Geography in Turkey". Working Paper 36 International Geographical Union Commission on Gender and Geography: see below.
Report on the Symposium 'Transnational Lives: Perspectives on Citizenship, Home and Belonging", Taipei 23-26 November, 2007: see below.
Belgeo 2007 (3) has a special issue entitled: “Feminist geographies around the world” guest edited by Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon and Janice Monk which include selected papers presented at the International Seminar in Barcelona on February 2006. This special issue features papers that address the varying ways in which feminist geography has developed in an array of countries reflecting the contextualization of knowledge.
La Citta delle donne. Un approccio di genere alla geografia urbana (2006). A cura di Gisella Cortesi, Flavia Cristaldi, Joos Droogleever Fortuijn. Geografia e organizzazione dello sviluppo terrritoriale 48. Bologna: Pàtron Editore. This is the Italian edition of Gendered Cities: Identities, Activities, Networks: A Life Course Approach with a slightly different selection of papers.
GeoJournal 2006, Vol 65 (3-4) has a special issue entitled "Placing gender, making policy", guest edited by Fran Klodawski and Valerie Preston wit a selection of the papers presented at the IGU Workshop in Toronto, May 31-June 3, 2002.
Kim, Sunghee and Janet Henshall Momsen (2006) "Globalization and the gender gap and traditional gender differences in South Korea". Working Paper, No. 35, Commission on Gender and Geography of the International Geographical Union.
Publications 2005
Huang, S., B.S.A. Yeoh and N. Abdul Rahman (2005) Asian women as transnational domestic workers in Asia. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.