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Feminist and Queer Spatialities: Care, Connection and Change

School of Geography

College of Social Sciences and Law

University College Dublin

Dublin, Ireland


August 21 - 22 2024

Newman Building, UCD

Feminist and queer geographies have been exploring key issues of the spatialities of gender, sexualities and intersectionalities for almost a half of a century. This initial call for sessions on behalf of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography invites an exchange of ideas and research in feminist and/or queer geographies. The focal theme of Care, Connection, and Change coincides with the 35th International Geographical Congress in Dublin immediately following our conference.

We invite sessions that will explore our focal theme or engage broadly with areas of feminist/queer geographies. These themes are intended to extend the legacies of the subdiscipline or offer new areas for exploration and analyses. (Papers on these themes can be submitted starting in November 2023 when the sessions are in place.) Whilst Geographers have led in the explorations of spatialities, insights from scholars in broader humanities and social sciences are also key and we invite participation from all with an interest in the area.

Our conference is open to all who might take a spatial, environmental, place-based or otherwise spatial/geographical approach to issues of gender, sex, and sexualities. In opting for this open approach we envisage new synergies, alliances, and insights that develop praxis within and beyond the discipline of Geography. The conference is anticipated to be face-to-face only and attendance in Dublin, Ireland will be necessary to participate.

Sessions of various types are welcome, including paper presentations, roundtables, and panels. We encourage sessions with researchers from across the world. We hope to provide a limited number of waivers/bursaries for scholars who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Keynote speakers
Niharika Banerjea and Dhiren Borisa O.P. Jindal Global University, India
Lynda Johnston, Waikato University, Aotearoa/New Zealand

Mary Gilmartin, Maynooth University, Ireland

Session organisation
This is a call for session organisers. You are invited to submit session proposals with or without presenters. At the next stage, 1st November-1st February- you (and the conference organisers) will put out a call for presentations to be submitted to the selected sessions. After 1st February the session organisers will select and notify us about the papers accepted in their sessions. A place on the program will be drafted and finalised once all the presenters confirm their participation and register for the conference. At the conference, you will coordinate the session- this usually includes chairing the session or organising a Chair for the session. Session Chairs will also organise discussants and moderators/chairs as appropriate or act in this capacity themselves.

Key Dates and Deadlines

  1. Call for submitting session abstracts - Aug 25 - 30 Sep 2023

  2. Selection of sessions and communication with session organisers - by 30th Oct 2023 (List of accepted sessions)

  3. Submission of paper abstracts to sessions/conference - 1 Nov 2023 to 1 Feb 2024 (date extended to 25th Feb. 2024)

  4. Conference and Session organisers select papers and update sessions - 10 Mar 2024

  5. Early Bird Registration - 15 Mar to 30 Apr 2024

  6. Deadline for presenters to register - 20 Apr 2024 (failure to register will mean that your contribution to the conference will not be included in the programme)

  7. Preliminary Program released - May 2024

  8. Final Programme - Jun 2024


Registration fees

Standard: 150 euros

Students / unwaged: 75 euros (please email for the relevant discount code) 


Conference webpage





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