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Newsletter No. 66

Nov. 1. 2021

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Newsletter 66 November 2021
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Circular 66 Noviembre 2021
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Lettre 66 Novembre 2021
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Message from the Chair

This edition of the Newsletter brings to mind the significance of resilience- both political and personal. Delivering a keynote at the V Latin American Seminar on Geography, Gender and Sexualities themed on dissident bodies gender and space, provided an opportunity to reflect upon resilience and multiple ways in which feminist dissidence was unfolding. On a broader canvas, the global pandemic simmers on deepening social inequalities and exposing fault lines, climate justice issues acquire an urgency, while the world over social movements for racial justice, democratic rights, bodily autonomy and equity play out with inspiring resilience. These larger global issues intersect with our daily lives locally as resilience frames our struggles to cope, to come to terms with a new normal marked by loss and spaces turned inside out. To all those struggling and resisting with resilience, we tender our solidarity.

The resilience of a whole generation of feminist geographers also comes to mind as we approach the tricenary of our Commission. A very topical set of sessions has been planned to mark our tricenary celebrations at the IGU Paris centenary meeting in July 2022. Please look out for the call for papers to be announced very soon on the main IGU website We are also excited to announce a pre conference at Barcelona themed around feminist spatial perspectives on crisis and recovery. For more details write to the organizers- Geography and Gender Research Group, Departament de Geografia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona at

The Commission will also mark its tricenary in 2022 at the Paris and Barcelona meetings through a Festchrift in honour of Prof Janice Monk, mentor, friend and colleague to so many of us. More details on all these events will be uploaded to our website soon.

By the time this newsletter reaches you, the details of the third International Feminist Geography Conference in 2022 should also be out. The theme of the conference is Pushing Boundaries, being planned as a multisited event with in-person sites located in the U.K. (Durham/ Leeds), India (Delhi), Canada (Vancouver), Uganda (Kampala) and Ecuador (Quito). Follow the Twitter handle @FEMGEOG_ to know more and to join us in pushing boundaries.

A very special thanks to Joos to keep us all updated and connected even in this trying time.

With solidarity and good wishes to all of you,


Future meetings

Call for papers

14-15 July 2022, Barcelona, Spain Commission on Gender and Geography International pre-Conference for the 100th International Geographical Union Congress

The aim of this pre-Conference is to provide a forum for the exchange of different knowledges, ideas and experiences in a variety of international contexts. We are interested in proposals that explore feminist and spatial perspectives of capitalist crises. Another relevant issue is what kind of feminist responses contribute to the recovery from these crises.

Suggested topics for papers include, but are not restricted to, the following:

-Geopolitical crisis and gendered perspectives on crisis and recovery

-Environmental crisis, climate justice and feminist political ecology

-Post pandemic economic crisis, employment and restructuring

-Austerity, inequality and pandemics in public health systems

-Gender, housing crisis, mobilities and right to the city

-Welfare, reproduction and social care

-Education inequalities in crisis and recovery

-Migration and refugee justice

-Reading landscapes of austerity and crisis

-Implications of social and physical distance for livelihoods and care

-Social movements and feminist resistances

-Gendered aspects of access and use of communication technologies and social media platforms

-Feminist solidarities, intergenerational relations and knowledge exchanges

The Conference is designed to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and networking between geographers and other researchers interested in Gender and Geography. With this in mind, the key theme is designed as a starting point to stimulate debate and discussion from feminist, intersectional and critical geographical research perspectives.

Abstracts should be 200 words maximum and include up to five key words. Please also identify all authors’ affiliation(s) and email addresses. We invite paper submissions in English. Please send your abstracts proposals to by January 31, 2022. We look forward to reading your abstracts for a successful Conference. Please feel free to share this message with colleagues. More information and details on registration will be announced later on.

Organizers: Geography and Gender Research Group, Department of Geography. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain

Previous meetings

Report of the joint Gender and Geography, History and Politics Commission specialist sessions, IGC Istanbul, 16 – 20 August 2021

The 34th International Geographical Congress: “Geography: Bridging the Continents” Istanbul, Turkey was held online, 16 – 20 August 2021. Our commission joined History (Marcella Schmidt is Chair) and Politics (Virginie Mamadouh is Chair) commissions to encourage presentations on: Bridging differences: East, West, seas and Mediterranean worlds. We invited presenters to address the following:

For a long time, the categories of East, West, North and South have been used as both Cartesian coordinates and as metaphors assigning identities, often under the form of stereotypes, to people coming from different places. The successive waves of critical, radical, feminist, post/decolonial and non-representational geographies and geopolitics have increasingly questioned the essentialisation of identities deriving from these metaphors, especially criticising their use for imperialist, patriarchal, racist and reactionary political agendas, past and present. International geographical scholarship committed to these critical approaches urges us to substitute the absolute geographical metaphors mentioned above with the metaphor of ‘the bridge’. ‘The bridge’ valorises all kind of differences, as well as the decolonisation of geography by rendering it mostly inclusive (in terms of gender, ethnicity, social conditions and political/religious thought of people participating in the discipline). Further, the metaphor of ‘the bridge’ reconfigures the Mediterranean as a place of contacts and exchanges rather than a place for erecting walls, barriers or any kinds of enclosures. Interventions about other seas (and maybe deserts that function in a similar way) are also welcome. By assuming intersectional principles recognising that social, economic, political, religious, ethnic, speciesist, environmental and colonial forms of oppression are intrinsically linked the one to each other, the organisers of this joint session welcome all contributions that engage with the broad field of studies on critical, radical, anarchist, feminist, queer, intersectional, internationalist geographies. We welcome presentations that draw on critical social theory, critical race studies and socially and politically engaged scholarship, in general. The participation of non-academic presenters such as activists and independent scholars, is especially encouraged.

Commission members may remember the discussion we had, via email, regarding whether to attend the IGU in Istanbul. The curtailment of academic freedom of Turkey colleagues was at the forefront of our thinking as was the situation at the Turkish-Syrian borders. Members of the Gender and Geography Commission Steering Group had mixed feelings when discussing not going (that is, boycotting the IGC) or going and supporting academics and activists there. In the end, we decided that the community of critical geographers in Turkey needed our solidarity.

The sessions were stimulating. There were thirty participants and twenty two presentations. Our six conference slots ran over two days. Some presenters had pre-recorded their presentations. We thank everyone who participated and despite the time zone differences, it was wonderful to see so many commission members.

Lynda Johnston

Report of the Gender and Geography Commission Sponsored Specialist Sessions at the Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, 5 – 10 July 2021, Sydney Australia.

The Gender and Geography Commission sponsored the ‘Remembering and Reimagining Embodied Geographies’ specialist session. The organisers were: Gorman-Murray (Western Sydney), Lynda Johnston (Waikato), Corrinne Sullivan (Western Sydney), and Gordon Waitt (Wollongong). A CFP was distributed:

In this specialist session we invite contributors to think critically about bodies in geography ‘down-under’. The session will explore the contested terrain of / in and around bodies in relation to, for example, racialised and excluded bodies, Indigenous bodies, fleshy and messy bodily materialities, reproduction, aged bodies, incarceration, embodied fieldwork, embodied intersectionality, disabled bodies, as well as gendered, sexed and sexualised and classed bodies. Back 2014 – in the 21st anniversary of Gender, Place and Culture - Robyn Longhurst and Lynda Johnston (2014) wrote about politics of bodies in feminist geographical research, documenting the wealth of research on bodies, embodiment, and corporeality. Yet despite this volume of work, there are notable absences, such as intersectionality, race, ethnicity, Indigeneity, and fieldwork in embodied geographies. Has, therefore, the body become ‘ubiquitous and more of an accepted marker of identity and difference than of a radical upheaval of masculinism’ (p. 267) within the discipline? They conclude with feelings of ambivalence about the extent to which work on the body has destabilised masculinism in the discipline of human geography, arguing that ‘‘real’ fleshy bodies still represent that which is too banal, too material, too feminised, too mysterious, too Other for geography’ (p. 274). In this specialist session, we ask contributors to remember and reimagine bodies in geography in relation to the politics of knowledge. We encourage contributors to reflect on embodied geographies ‘down-under’ and how we might advocate for a more just and inclusive disciplinary future.

There were eight presentations and topics included: ‘Remembering two influential women geographers from 'down under': Janice Monk and Evelyn Stokes’; ‘Reflections on embodied geographies of pedalling 'down under'; ‘Navigating Melbourne's lockdown with intellectual disability: a geography of vulnerability’; ‘Dancing as Time and Place: Embodying the Methodology’; ‘Unsettling and unsensed: Dances between pākehā women and place’.

Lynda Johnston

Report of the pre-meeting of the V Latin American Seminar of Geography, Gender and Sexualities, Santiago de Chile, 7-9 September 2021

The meeting was held online due to the current global situation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was organized by Chile between 7th and 9th September, and was coordinated by Martin Torres, with the proposal of holding an onsite event in Santiago do Chile from 6th to 9th September 2022.

The ideas of dissident action and body as a space of struggle were fundamental in this event. The whole meeting was marked by the presence of national and international activists, with time to present works, mediate round table discussions and take part in a mixture of collectives and academic representatives. This consolidates alliances that have been established between these two groups since the I Latin American Seminar of Geography, Gender and Sexualities.

Twenty-seven works were presented in an experimental way, including research classified in axes from individual’s and collective’s life experience. These works were developed in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. The presentations were distributed in sessions as follows: Axis n° 1: Individual life experiences; Axis n° 2: Collective life experiences; Axis n° 3: Research developed by activists, collectives, foundations, and other organizations; Axis n° 4: Case studies or individual research.

This event’s proposal was to provide greater openness to knowledge beyond geography and university. An effort was made to stick to the proposal throughout the three days by bringing people from different countries with an intersectional and decolonized knowledge production. In accordance with it, the program included an audiovisual projection called Nômade (Nomadic), directed by the collective “Mujeres al Borde” (Women on Board) in the opening ceremony, followed by the opening lecture given by Anindita Datta (India) called “Fazer feminismos e falar desde as margens” (Doing feminism and talking from the margins).

A theme session was held on the second day, called “Gênero e Dissidência no Território” (Gender and dissidence within the territory), presented by Maria Rodo-Zarate (Catalonia), Benhur Pinós da Costa (Brazil), Megg Rayara Oliveira (Brazil), and Carolina Pérez (Chile). A keynote lecture was also presented by Carolin Schurr (Switzerland), called “Geopolítica reprodutiva: Governar corpos in/férteis no Mexico” (Reproductive geopolitics: governing in/fertile bodies in Mexico”. The presentation of works from axes 1 and 3 started on the same day, which was closed with the keynote lecture called: “Lutas feministas entrelaçadas diante as fachadas oscilantes do poder” (Intertwined feminist fights facing the oscillating façades of power”, given by Irene Molina (Chile-Switzerland)

The third day of the seminar started with a theme session called: Anticolonialismo e Dissidência (Anticolonialism and dissidence), presented by Paola Palacios (Colombia-Chile), Alex Ratts (Brazil), Denisse Valverde (Mexico), and Christina Chica (USA). Next, works from the axes 2 and 4 were presented. In the afternoon, dissident books and academic journals were introduced, which included 4 books and one journal, as follows: “Otras vidas: Activismo y resiliencia trans en Chile” (Other lives: trans activism and resilience in Chile) by Karla Sepulveda, Silvia Parada, and Katy Fontein; “Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero” (Geography and Gender Latin American Journal) presented by João Paulo Leandro de Almeida; “Literatura Infantil: Chiri Historias Travestis del Mocotrofo” (Children’s literature: Chiri travestis’ stories del Mocotrofo), authored by Anastasia Benavente; “Zonas de sentido” (Sense zones) by William Hanke; and “Reflexiones sobre Feminismo y Ecología (en cuarentena)” (Reflecting on Feminism and Ecology (during the quarantine), presented by Antonia Zambra.

The final lecture of the day was: “Corpo, gênero e sexualidade na geografia: performances geográficas de uma professora travesti” (“Body, gender and sexuality in geography: geographical performances of a travestite teacher by Sayonara Nogueira (Brazil). This lecture was followed by a closing ceremony in which an audiovisual projection titled: Procesión a Media Asta (Half-mast flag procession) was presented by its director Andrés Valenzuela.

The participants were given the opportunity to talk about the event. It seems relevant to emphasize the event’s great openness to people from the academia and the community as a whole. The participation was free of charge creating this virtual opportunity for all who wanted to join it. The event had simultaneous translation and interpretation of Brazilian sign language, and 496 people took part in the several different sessions.

In addition to the event activities, the organizers and participants showed their support to the Chilean process to write a new constitution, and to the Brazilian movement: “Fora Bolsonaro”, reaffirming their repudiation of the misogyny events and LGBTQ+ phobia promoted by that government.

Joseli Maria Silva

Opening Ceremony

Opening keynote lecture

Work exhibition

Closing keynote lecture

News from around the world

Congratulations to Joos Droogleever Fortuijn who was awarded the IGU Lauréat d’Honneur 2020 during the online International Geographical Congress Istanbul in August 2021. She was steering committee member (1992-1996) and chair (1996-2000) of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography and Vice-president (2012-2016) and First Vice-president (2016-2020) of the IGU. The IGU Lauréat d’Honneur is created in 1976 to recognize individuals who have achieved particular distinction or who have rendered outstanding service in the work of the IGU or in international geography. Since 1976, a total of 48 geographers have been awarded, seven of them being women. Four founders and chairs of the Commission on Gender and Geography have received the Lauréat d’Honneur: Janice Monk in 2012, Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon in 2016, Robyn Longhurst in 2018 and Joos Droogleever Fortuijn in 2020.

Congratulations to Rosa Cerarols Ramirez who is since June Director of the Gender Equality Unit at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. In February 2020 they organised a workshop about feminist epistemologies and methodologies from a transdisciplinary perspective (see linked to youtube (spanish and catalan). From this workshop they coordinated a journal monograph that was published last 30th September in the Journal Discurso&Sociedad.

During the Covid19 lockdown, Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon gave an on line lecture and lead a debate at the Master on Gender by Margarida Queiros at the Institute of Geography at the University of Lisbon on the 13th of May 2021. The title was ‘Grup de Recerca en Geografia i Gènere a la UAB: Orígenes, contactos estrategias y contenidos (1987 2020’s)’.

Special journal issues

Gender, Place & Culture (2021, 28:6) published a themed issue on “Masculinities in Africa beyond Crisis: Complexity, Fluidity, and Intersectionality”, edited by Carole Amman and Sandra Staudacher, with the following contributions:

Amman, Carole and Sandra Staudacher (2021) Masculinities in Africa beyond crisis: complexity, fluidity, and intersectionality, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 759-768

Ratele, Kopano (2021) An invitation to decoloniality in work on (African) men and masculinities, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 769-785

McLean, Kristen E. (2021) ‘Post-crisis masculinities’ in Sierra Leone: revisiting masculinity theory, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 786-805

Gartner, Katharina (2021) Shiny shabomen. Young instrumental musicians in Accra, and performances of masculinities in popular music, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 806-828

Kramer, Sherianne and Brett Bowman (2021) The making of male victimhood in South African Female-perpetrated Sexual Abuse, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 829-852

Shio, Jasmine and Eileen Moyer (2021) Navigating norms of masculinity: Tactical gender performances among gay men in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 853-869

Schultz, Susanne U. (2021) ‘It’s not easy’. Everyday suffering, hard work and courage. Navigating masculinities post deportation in Mali, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 870-887

Musariri, Linda and Eileen Moyer (2021) A black man is a cornered man: migration, precarity and masculinities in Johannesburg, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:6, 888-905

ACME (2021, 20:3) published a special issue on “Moral Economies”, edited by Karine Duplan, Marylène Lieber and Camille Schmoll, with the following contributions:

Duplan, Karine, Marylène Lieber and Camille Schmoll (2021) Moral economies, urban subjectivities and contested policies; an intersectional perspective on privileges and exclusion, ACME, 20:3

Tillous, Marion and Perrine Lachenal (2021) Can sexual violence be denounced without perpetrating class violence? Discussions on sexual harassment in Egypt, ACME, 20:3

Lieber, Marylene and Hélène Le Bail (2021) Aren’t sex workers women? Sex workers and the contrasting definitions of safety and violence, ACME, 20:3

Hancock, Claire (2021) Redefining margins and center through intersectional activism; Transatlantic perspectives, ACME, 20:3

Duplan, Karine (2021) The sexual politics of nation branding in creative Luxembourg; A queer perspective, ACME, 20:3

De Neergaard, Maia and Carina Listerborn (2021) Uncovering the ‘cracks’? Bringing feminist urban research into smart city research, ACME, 20:3

Bartos, Ann E. (2021) Troubling false care; Towards a more revolutionary ‘care revolution’ in the university, ACME, 20:3

Bettini, Giovanni, Nicholas Beuret and Ethemcan Turhan (2021) On the frontlines of fear; Migration and climate change in the local context of Sardinia, Italy, ACME, 20:3

Feministische Geo-RundMail (2021, 86) published a special issue on “Corona, care und collectives”, edited by Anne Vogelpohl and Sandra Antelmann, with the following contributions:

Vogelpohl, Anne and Sandra Antelmann (2021) Feministischen Geogaphien der Arbeit: Corona, care und collectives, Feministische Geo-RundMail, 86, 2-4

Grenzdörffer, Sinje and Inken Reimer (2021) Fragmente Transformativen Arbeitens im Universitätskontext, Feministische Geo-RundMail, 86, 5-12

Stefanie Hürtgen (2021) „Held*innen“ oder Arbeiter*innen? Systemrelevanz und die Perspektive gesellschaftlicher Arbeit, Feministische Geo-RundMail, 86, 13-15

Schwiter, Karin and Jennifer Steiner (2021) Transformationen bezahlter Care-Arbeit: vom Sorgeextraktivismus zur Care-Revolution, Feministische Geo-RundMail, 86, 16-18

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (2021, 112:2) published a special section on “Everyday places of intersectionality”, edited by Maarten Loopmans, Gavin Brown and Valerie De Craene, with the following contributions:

Loopmans, Maarten, Gavin Brown and Valerie De Craene (2021) Everyday spatialities of intersectional solidarity and activism, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:2, 101-106

Rahbari, Ladan (2021) In Her Shoes: Transnational Digital Solidarity With Muslim Women, or the Hijab? Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:2, 107-120

Pan, Xin and Maarten Loopmans (2021) Intersectional heterotopia: HIV and LGBTQ+ movement in China, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:2, 121-134

Nessi, Cecilia (2021) Seeing the untold, speaking the invisible: Lesbian co-formations in Milan Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:2, 135-149

Peterson, Melika (2021) Encountering each other in Glasgow: Spaces of intersecting lives in contemporary Scotland, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112:2, 150-163

New books

Peake, L., .E. Koleth, G.S. Tanyildiz, R.N. Narayanareddy and D. Patrick (eds.) (2021) A feminist urban theory for our time: rethinking social reproduction and the urban. Antipode Book Series. London, Wiley Press

Porter, G., A. Abane and K. Lucas (2020) User diversity and mobility practices in Sub-Saharan African cities: understanding the needs of vulnerable populations. The state of knowledge and research. Gothenburg, Sweden, Volvo Research and Educational Foundations

Vaiou, Dina (2021) The invisible work of women in the making of the city. Facets of Athens after 1974. Athens, Alexandria publ. (in Greek)

Recent articles and book chapters

Ahamed, Tofael, Ryozo Noguchi, Nazia Muhsin, Riska Ayu Purnamasari, Md. Ariful Islam, Farhat Tasnim, Md. Zamirul Islam, Md. Fakrul Islam and Wardatul Akmam (2021) Sustainable agricultural development: a micro-level GIS-based study on women’s perceptions of environmental protection and entrepreneurship in Japan and Bangladesh, GeoJournal, 86:5, 2071-2103

Al-Garawi, Najah and Maria Kamargianni (2021) Women’s modal switching behavior since driving is allowed in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103192

Ambjðrnsson, Emmeline Laszlo (2021) Performing female masculinities and negotiating femininities: challenging gender hegemonies in Swedish forestry through women’s networks, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1584-1605


Andersson Djurfeldt, Agnes (2021) Translocal livelihood research and the household in the Global South – A gendered perspective, Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 16-23

Antonello, Ideni Terezinha, Ariel Pereira da Silva Oliveira and Léia Aparecida Veiga (2021) La perspectiva de género em la construcción de una ciudad inclusiva: La inserción de las mujeres en el planeamiento urbano de Londrina, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 160 – 185

Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís and Berglind Rós Magnúsdottir (2021) Even in Iceland? Exploring mothers’ narratives on neighbourhood choice in a perceived classless and feminist utopia, Children’s Geographies, 19:4, 62-474

Aufenvenne, Philipp, Christian Haase, Franziska Meixner and Malte Steinbrink (2021) Participation and communication behaviour at academic conferences – an empirical gender study at the German Congress of Geography 2019, Geoforum, 126, 192-204

Bach, Nguyen (2021) Regional informal institutions, local governance and gendered entrepreneurship, Regional Studies, 55:7, 1169-1181

Barsoum, Ghada (2021) From fishers wives to fish vendors: Gendered livelihood transitions in a fishing village in Egypt, Journal of Rural Studies, 88, 117-125

Baylina, Mireia (2021) Una mirada crítica des del gènere al repoblament rural post-covid”. In: Jesús Burgueño (ed.) La nova geografia de Catalunya post-covid. Barcelona, Societat Catalana de Geografia, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 59-160

Baylina, Mireia (2020) Dones i tornada al camp: protagonistes de les noves dinàmiques rurals a Catalunya, Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia 90, 101-114

Baylina, Mireia and Maria Rodó de Zárate (2020) Youth, activism and rurality: A feminist approach, Journal of Rural Studies, 79: 189-196

Baylina, Mireia, Montserrat Villarino, Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, María Josefa Mosteiro, Ana María Porto and Isabel Salamaña (2019) Género e innovación en los nuevos procesos de re-ruralización en España, Finisterra, LIV, 110, 75-91

Beattie, H., D. Brown and S. Kindon (2020) Solidarity through difference: Speculative participatory serious urban gaming (SPS-UG), Journal of Architectural Computing, 18:2

Beattie, H., D. Brown and S. Kindon (2019) Functional fiction to collective action - Values-based participatory urban design gaming. In: M. Haeusler, T. Schnabel and T. Fukuda (eds.) Intelligent and informed - Proceedings of the 24th CAADRIA Conference. Wellington, VUW, 737-746

Ben-Asher, Smadar and Ya’arit Bokek-Cohen (2021) Commemoration labor as emotional labor: The emotional costs of being an Israeli militarized national widow, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:8, 455-475

Bieler, Andreas and Adam David Morton (2021) Is capitalism structurally indifferent to gender?: Routes to a value theory of reproductive labour, Environment and Planning A, 53:7, 1749-1769

Bigon, Liora and Dorcas Zuvalinyenga (2021) Urban pulse - Gendered urban toponyms in the global South: a time for de-colonization? Urban Geography, 42:2, 226-239

Binoy, Parvathi (2021) Pollution governance in time of disasters: Testimonials of caste/d women and the politics of knowledge in Kathikudam, Kerala, Geoforum, 124, 175-184

Bonner-Thompson, Carl, Graeme William Mearns and Peter Hopkins (2021) Transgender negotiations of precarity: Contested spaces of higher education, Geographical Journal, 187:3, 227-239

Boussalem, Alessandro (2021) In, out, or somewhere else entirely: Going beyond binary constructions of the closet in the lives of LGBTQ people from a Muslim background in Brussels, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:2, 435-448

Bradbury, A. and G. Porter (2020) Gender mainstreaming in rural transport, Institute of Civil Engineers -Transport 173: 2

Bradley, Tamsin, Zara Martin and Rajni Pairiwala (2021) Conceptualizing subjectivities and rationalities in understanding gendered violence: Processes of social and cultural change, Progress in Development Studies, 21:2, 181-195

Brice, Sage (2021) Trans Subjectifications: Drawing an (im)personal politics of gender, fashion, and style, GeoHumanities, 7:1, 301-327


Browne, Kath, Gavin Brown and Catherine J. Nash (2021) Geography and sexuality II: Homonormativity and heteroactivism, Progress in Human Geography, 45:5, 1320-1328

Burchell, Brandan, Darja Reuschke and Mary Zhang (2021) Spatial and temporal segmenting of urban workplaces: The gendering of multi-locational working, Urban Studies, 58:11, 2207-2232

Cahuas, Madelaine C. (2021) Reaching for El Mundo Zurdo: Imagining creating-living Latinx decolonial feminist geographies in Toronto, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:9, 605-625

Canoy, Nico A. (2021) Towards an embodied political ecology of fat masculinities, Geoforum, 125, 188-191

Caretta, M. A., E. Carlson, R. Hood, and B. Turley (2021) From a rural idyll to an industrial site: An analysis of hydraulic fracturing energy sprawl in Central Appalachia, Journal of Land Use Science

Caretta, M.A. and B. Rothrock (2021) Water and gender. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education

Castrillón, Ovi-Laura Oviedo (2021) Espacialidades de hombres trans Youtubers: Acercamiento a sus condiciones en la pandemia del Covid-19, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 279 – 290

Cely-Santos, Marcela and Olga Lucía Hernández-Manrique (2021) Fighting change: Interactive pressures, gender, and livelihood transformations in a contested region of the Colombian Caribbean, Geoforum, 125, 9-24

Chaudhari, Tanya (2021) Engels’ ‘proletarization’ and ‘great towns’ vis-á-vis dispossession, and gendered work in an informal economy, Human Geography, 14:2, 212-226

Collins, Eric (2021) Of crowded histories and urban theory: A feminist critique of temporal closure and patrimonial claims to the urban, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45:4, 612-629

Colombelli, Alessandra, Elena Grinza, Valentina Meliciani and Mariacristina Rossi (2021) Pulling effects in immigrant entrepreneurship: Does gender matter? Economic Geography, 97:1, 1-33

Constable, Nicole (2021) Migrant mothers, rejected refugees and excluded belonging in Hong Kong, Population, Space and Place, 27:5, e2475

Cook, Nancy and David Butz (2021) ‘The road changes everything’: Shifting gendered mobilities, spaces and subjectivities in Shimshal, Pakistan, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:10, 800-822

Cruickshank, Marnie (2021) Smashed avocado: A property market advice manual for millennial women, Australian Geographer, 52:2, 209-223

Cui, Junri, Can Cui, Richard Ronald, Shan Yu and Xueying Mu (2021) The dynamics of gender in the intergenerational transmission of homeownership: A case study of young couples in Shanghai, Population, Space and Place, 27:6, e2428

Daskalaki, Maria, Marianna Fotaki and Maria Simosi (2021) The gendered impact of the financial crisis: Struggles over social reproduction in Greece, Environment and Planning A, 53:4, 741-762

Datta, Anindita (2021) Gender, urban spaces and gendered resistances: Towards inclusive and fear free cities in India. In: M.N. Jaglan and Rajeshwari (eds.) Reflections on 21st century human habitats in India. Advances in 21st century human settlements. Singapore, Springer

Davis, Khyree D. (2021) Transnational blackness at Toronto Pride: Queer disruption as theory and method, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:11, 1541-1560

Desai, Vandana (2021) Urban widows: Living and negotiating gendered dispossession in speculative slum housing markets in Mumbai, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:10, 779-799

Dunne, Chloe, Christie Siettou and Paul Wilson (2021) Investigating the economic visibility and contribution of UK women in agriculture through systematic review of international literature, Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 330-345

Faria, C., M.A. Caretta. E. Dever and S. Nimoh (2021) Care in/through the archives: Postcolonial intersectional moves in feminist geographic research, Emotion, Space and Society, 39, 100768

Farnam, Maria and Farah Ghaderi (2021) Merritt-Hawkes’ becoming Persian in Persia: Romance and reality, Gender, Place & Culture, 28:7, 1040-1057


Fernandez-Gimenez, Maria E., Elisa Oteros-Rozas and Federica Ravera (2021) Spanish women pastoralists’ pathways into livestock management: Motivations, challenges and learning, Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 1-11

Franquelli, Laura Victoria (2021) Territorialidades ausentes, Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 12:1, 264 – 278

Garcia Ramon, Maria Dolors (2021) La introducció del enfocament de genere a la geografia catalana. In: Societat Catalana de Geografia (ed.) La nova geografia de Catalunya post-covid. Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalana, 94

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